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Front-End розробник

40 years

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LinkedIn Profile:

[open contact info](look above in the "contact info" section)
Github Profile:
NODEJSdeveloper [open contact info](look above in the "contact info" section)
[open contact info](look above in the "contact info" section)
[open contact info](look above in the "contact info" section)

Work Experience Technical Skills

You can also find a project on GitHub that includes JavaScript, Node.js,
authentication, validation, and more using the technologies TypeScript, Express, Nest,
mentioned in the skillset, including the Nest.js framework. Rest Services, AWS EC2,S3
Docker, MySQL, PostgreSQL,
https://github.com/AVKydin/avto-ria Type ORM, MongoDB,
Mongoose ODM, Nodemailer

Previous work experience cron jobs, bcrypt,
jsonwebtoken, swagger

Civil Servant 2018 - present
State Institution "Daryivska Correctional Colony (No. 10)"
Engineer in the Department of Engineering and Technical
Means of Security, Communication, and Informatization Education History
(development and implementation of access control systems,
video surveillance, fire alarm systems, room security Kherson National Technical University
systems; planning and organization of technical Specialty: Energy Engineer
maintenance and repair of security systems; defining 2001 - 2006
requirements for engineering and technical security means,
ensuring their selection and installation; development and OKTEN SCHOOL
installation of communication systems such as telephony, FULLSTACK (JavaScript)
radio communication; planning, installation, configuration, 2022 - now
and management of network infrastructure to provide
internet access, monitoring and managing network
operations, identifying issues, debugging, and optimizing
network processes).
Civil Servant 2010 - 2018
State Institution "Bilozerska Corrective Colony (No. 105)" Ukrainian - native,
Held positions:
Fire Safety Inspector; English - A2 (I study)
Head of the Social-Psychological Service Department;
Senior Engineer of the Department of Engineering and
Technical Means of Security, Communication, and
Head of the Department of Engineering and Technical
Means of Security, Communication, and Informatization.

Project Engineer 2006 - 2010
LLC "ГК Теплотехніка"
Project Engineer in the design department (development of
project documentation for heating and gas supply systems)

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