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Front-end програміст

18 years
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Yura The main goal as a front-end developer

Linetsky My main goal as a front-end developer working with React and Next.js is to create a user-
friendly, intuitive interface, develop scalable components, increase performance and
REACT FRONT-END DEVELOPER efficiency, provide responsive design and improve web application loading speed, and
successfully integrate them with backend systems and APIs.

About me I also want to get into a cool and friendly company where I will increase my experience and
improve my skills as a Front-end developer and become the best in this field.

I'm a young and ambitious React Front-end developer, I'm
17 years old, I was born in Ukraine but now live in Norway.

I have been self-educating as a Front-end developer Skills
without commercial experience for over a year.

HTML & CSS/SASS React.js Axios
I develop web interfaces.
Advanced Intermediate Upper Intermediate
I customize web browser compatibility.
I ensure optimal performance of websites. JAVASCRIPT Next.js ReactQuery
I interact with the backend (API). Intermediate Intermediate Upper Intermediate

And I am constantly improving my skills by following new TYPESCRIPT Redux Git
Intermediate Elementary Upper Intermediate
technologies, frameworks, and trends in web interface
development. I am constantly learning new development Responsive design Material UI TailwindCSS
tools and methods to improve my skills and work Advanced Intermediate Upper Intermediate

Language Education

Ukrainian - Native Speaker Сomplete secondary of education, Uman Lyceum No. 1
English - Intermediate

Norwegian - Elementary Studying at Hamar katedralskole for the specialty Information technology

Contact Info
BEGIN (Landing page) BEATSBY DRE (Landing page)
Link: https://begin-pet-project.vercel.app/ Link: https://pet-project-beatsby.vercel.app/
Telephone: [open contact info](look above in the "contact info" section)
Technology: Technology:
Email: [open contact info](look above in the "contact info" section) html, sass, javascript, typescript, react.js, html, sass, javascript, typescript, react.js,
next.js, framer-motion, react-hook-form, next.js, framer-motion, responsive design
LinkedIn: [open contact info](look above in the "contact info" section) responsive design

GOGAMES (Landing page)
Telegram: t.me/XdipsyX Link: https://gogames-pet-project.vercel.app/

GitHub: https://github.com/dipSyxx Technology:
html, sass, javascript, typescript, react.js,
next.js, framer-motion, responsive design


Link: https://www.usa-ua-cars.com/
html, sass, javascript, typescript, react.js,
next.js, framer-motion, responsive

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