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MEAL Manager, менеджер відділу моніторингу та оцінювання

44 years
City of residence:
Ready to work:
Cherkasy, Dnipro, Kharkiv, Kherson, Kramatorsk, Kyiv, Lviv, Odesa, Uman, Zaporizhzhia

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Perepelytsia Maksym
Vacancy: MEAL Manager
Phone: [open contact info](look above in the "contact info" section)
E-mail: [open contact info](look above in the "contact info" section)
[open contact info](look above in the "contact info" section)
[open contact info](look above in the "contact info" section)
[open contact info](look above in the "contact info" section)

Personal information
Citizenship: Ukrainian I have a current status Individual Entrepreneur (3 tax groups)

Place of residence: Kyiv city / Uman / Ukraine
Moving: I am considering moving to regions where the conflict is ongoing in a hot phase to assist more needy people
Education: Higher Faculty of Physics and Mathematics, SDPU, Slovyansk (teacher of computer science and
Marital status: Married (I have two children: Nazar 2009 and Matviy 2013)

Additional Information
Languages: English Intermediate (daily use at work in SI), Ukrainian

Computer literacy: PowerBI (Developer), PowerQuery, DAX, KoboToolBox(developer), LINK (Tool of Supply
Chain management), GoogleForms, Google Docs, the skilled user of MS Office, Microsoft Excel, 1C 7.7 (at the
level of the programmer) 1C 8, HTML and CSS layout of sites
Availability of driver's license (category): B

Position: Distribution Activity Manager
Period: 12/09/2022 - until now
Enterprise: SOLIDARITES International UMAN

Job responsibilities and achievements:

- Development of registration forms in KOBO ToolBox for data collection during assessments and distributions;
- Converting, cleaning data, developing reports and dashboards in PowerBI using Power Query and DAX.
- Data connection from KOBO to PowerBI for data flow from initial registration to final reports and dashboards for
activity analysis.
- Administering access permissions for team members to datasets, dashboards and reports in PowerBI.
- MPСA registration has been organized in four territorial communities since November 2022, more than 2600 IDPs
received targeted financial assistance. Using KoboCollect to registration data, and KoboToolBox for analysis and
data management.
- Significantly increased the volume of assistance provided: 2334 hygiene kits distributed in Q4, compared to 750 kits
in Q2;
- Institutional kits were distributed to 31 Collective centers on a monthly basis, in which more than 1257 IDPs live.
- Over 18000 Hot meals provided for IDPs located in Transit Centers.
- Assistance was provided to more than 16425 displaced persons in the form of food and hygiene kits to cover their
basic needs. Over 6,000 kits distributed.
- Support with detergents and hygiene products for bedridden elderly people in 9 Nursing Care Centers (more than
1323 Elderly Hygiene Kits issued)
- All activities are confirmed by fully completed documents and activity reports. Keeping updated the Activity Follow
Up, Working plan, Movement plan. Timely submission of documents for signature through the Eversign
- An assessment was carried out in 29 territorial communities of Uman and Zvenigorodsky reions. During the
assessment, 46 potential Collective centers for IDPs were identified, 26 of them do not need any repair, but there
are requests for NFI (furniture, utensils, sanitation equipment) from them.
- Providing these Collective Centers with the necessary furniture, kitchen equipment, plumbing, etc. Conducting the
repair works of rooms IDPs accommodation, renovation of shower rooms and toilets, works to increase the
capacity of water supply systems and sanitation systems.

Position: Technical Activity Supervisor
Period: 01/05/2021 - 09/09/2022
Enterprise: MSF Doctors Without Borders Charitable Foundation
Job responsibilities and achievements:
- Contact was established, and in fruitful communication with the management of local medical institutions, their needs
were identified.
- Subcontractors found in the region for high-quality and fast performance of works under martial law
- The premises of the Apostolic Hospital were repaired in a short time, the necessary furniture and medical equipment
were installed to carry out the activities of the team of doctors from the mission Doctors Without Borders
- Organized work with contractors for construction and repair work in the premises of the Apostolic Hospital and c.
Svobodne and Kochubeevka, Kherson Region;
- Contracts for the provision of Internet communication, contracts with utilities for the provision of services
- Calculated and compiled estimates, orders for the supply of necessary furniture, equipment, construction materials
- Uninterrupted work of auxiliary workers is provided: furniture collectors, cleaners, cooks
- Accounting for fuel consumption, mileage and scheduled maintenance of vehicles
- The schedule of daily need for motor transport and the schedule of work of drivers is made
- established accounting of fixed assets and property in the use of the unit

Position: CCO - Chief Customer Officer
Period: 09.2018 - 04.2021 (experience 3 years)
Enterprise: LLC "Agency of useful gifts" Marketplace of Children's Goods IpopoKiDS.ua
Job responsibilities and achievements
- Search, introduction of new sales partners, development and support of existing partners of the children's goods
marketplace IpopoKiDS.ua;
- Communication with the company's clients in general;
- Managing the work of the Call Center Marketplace, controlling the work of managers;
- Joint work in the team of SEO-promotion, implementation of internal and external site optimization;
- Setting technical tasks in the IT department, testing and acceptance of completed tasks;

Position: Director of a supermarket chain
Period: 10.2012 - 07.2018 (6 years experience)
Enterprise: LLC "Slavtrade Bravo" chain of grocery supermarkets "Bravo"
Responsibilities and achievements:
- Operational management of the enterprise, hiring of employees, planning f key indicators and coordination of
departments, management on the basis of statistics, financial planning, training of employees and quality of
services provided. - personally supervised the opening of new outlets (from the renovation of premises, installation
of equipment to filling stores with a range of goods and the grand opening)
- Since 2014 he has been cooperating with humanitarian organizations. I have the accreditation of a supplier for
People in Need, Caritas, Save Children, Doctors Without Borders.
- In 2015, it delivered 70,000 food kits for the needs of temporarily displaced residents

Position: Deputy Director of Trade
Period: 10.2010 - 11.2012 (2 years experience)
Enterprise: Slavtrade Bravo LLC
Responsibilities and achievements:
- on October 10, 2010 started my career as an Auditor, created a schedule and a system of complete recalculation of
product balances in all supermarkets of the network (range of more than 11,000 items). Derived full compliance
with the accounting data of the actual availability of goods.
- in July 2011 he was appointed Deputy Director of Finance. Created a 1C configuration for management operational
accounting. The result is daily clear information on the movement of money, a complete summary of the financial
results of the enterprise to the 3rd of the next month (previously passed the financial result after the 20th)
- in March 2012 he was appointed Deputy Director of Trade. The main achievement in this position is the transfer of
90% of key suppliers to the terms of delivery for sale (payment for the delivered goods to the supplier 7 days after
its sale from the shelves of the supermarket.
- in November 2012 he was appointed Executive Director

Position: Accountant of auxiliary production
Period: 09.2002 - 10.2010 (8 years experience)
Enterprise: LLC "Slavoliya" oil production plant
Responsibilities and achievements:
- Computerized warehouse accounting at the plant (previously kept records on paper);
- Created a 1C configuration for inventory accounting, production cost calculation, costing of the enterprise,
preparation of material reports;
- Automated the filling of road sheets of vehicles and the calculation of fuel consumption;

Educational institution: Slovyansk State Pedagogical University
Year of graduation: 2002
Faculty: Faculty of Physics and Mathematics
Specialty: Teacher of Informatics and Mathematics

Courses and trainings
Course title: LINK (Tool of Supply Chain Management)
Educational institution: SI, Uman

Course title: Prevention of sexual exploitation and abuse (PSEA)
Educational institution: UNICEF through AGORA platform

Course title: Basic First Aid Course
Educational institution: CAB EMSA Ukraine

Course title: SEO-specialist, PPC-specialist, WEB-designer
Educational institution: Genius Marketing, Kyiv

Course title: Front-end development: HTML and CSS hypertext markup language - cascading style sheets. JavaScript,
jQuery library and Angular and React frameworks, NodeJS
Educational institution: IT Academy STEP

Course title: Professional manager School of top managers Special course "How to evaluate and predict human
Educational institution: Visotsky Consalting, Kyiv

Course title: A new approach to staffing and hiring, Quick start Seminar for owners and managers of companies on
the technology of hiring "Performations"
Educational institution: Performia, Kyiv

Course title: Training within the UNDP program "Development of Entrepreneurial Skills among Internally Displaced
Persons and Local Population of Donetsk and Luhansk Oblasts"
Educational institution: Territory of Business
Stepfan Hauser, [open contact info](look above in the "contact info" section)
Médecins Sans Frontières Field Coordinator
Representative of the Ombudsman of Ukraine
Altunina Olga Nikolaevna [open contact info](look above in the "contact info" section)

Head of the Consumer Rights Protection Department
Yakovenko Oleh Heorhiyovych [open contact info](look above in the "contact info" section)

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