Resume from July 22, 2023 File


Full-stack developer

36 years

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Full-stack Developer (JS/TS,
React, NextJS, NodeJS)
I have a solid foundation in web development and am always eager to learn
and improve my skills. I have experience in developing and implementing
web applications, and I am proficient in a range of technologies, including
JavaScript, React, and Node.js. I am also familiar with database management
using MongoDB and have worked with Firebase. My passion for web
development drives me to create efficient and user-friendly applications that
meet the needs of the end-users. I am a team player and work
collaboratively with other developers to ensure that our projects meet the
highest standards of quality and scalability.

[open contact info](look above in the "contact info" section) AI Prodigy Solution 2023-2023
[open contact info](look above in the "contact info" section) Frontend developer (ReactJs) Link to video review
Iserlohn, Germany (NRW) As a frontend developer, I worked on 6-month project where I
LinkedIn developed and implemented the user interface of a web application
GitHub using ReactJs. I collaborated closely with the design and backend teams,
WhatsApp wrote clean and scalable code, and conducted testing to ensure the
Telegram application met quality standards. I communicated regularly with the
project team, provided technical support to the client, and delivered the
TECH SKILLS application on time.

NextJs "Task manager GOOSE TRACK" - MERN (July 2023)
Link to Client(Code) Link to Server(Code)
Project Name: Task Manager
Technologies used:
NodeJs Front-end: ReactJS, Redux-Toolkit, Redux-Thunk (Async Thunk)
Express Back-end: Node.js (Express), MongoDB
MongoDB Libraries and packages: Sendgrid, Bcrypt, Cloudinary, Mongoose, Swagger-
Firebase ui-express, Emotion, Material, Date-fns, Formik, Styled Components etc.
Responsive/Adaptive webApp Trello 2.0 with GPT-4 - Full-stack (July 2023)
Material UI Link to GitHub(Code)
Git/GitHub Project: Trello + GPT
Technologies used:
EDUCATION Front-end: NextJS, Typescript, Tailwindcss, Zustand, Drag & Drop
Back-end: GPT-4, Appwrite Cloud
GoIT - Full-stack development
Libraries and packages: Openai, React-beautiful-dnd, Tailwindcss,
(February 2022 - December 2022)
Zustand, Next, Typescript, Headlessui, Heroicons, Appwrite
Simferopol University of
Economics and Management - "Contact Manager" - MERN (December 2022)
Translator of foreign languages Link to GitHub(Code)
(September 2005 - June 2009) Project Name: Contact Manager
Technologies used:
LANGUAGES Front-end: ReactJS, Redux-Toolkit, Redux-Thunk (Async Thunk)
Back-end: Node.js (Express), MongoDB
English: Upper-Intermediate
Libraries and packages: Framer-motion, Axios, React-vimeo, Prop-types,
Ukrainian: Native React-hook-form, React-hot-toast, React-loader-spinner, React-router-dom,
Russian: Native Redux-persist, Styled Components

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