
Junior Front-end developer

44 years

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Work experience

Leading engineer of the planning and repair department

from 02.2019 to now (5 years 7 months)
LLC Euro-Reconstruction (Darnytska CHP), Kyiv (Power industry)

preparing the consolidated plan for the procurement of materials for repair works (covering approximately 8,000 items), reporting on the actual implementation of the repair program, and budgeting for the expenses of the repair program.

automation of reporting processes for the actual execution of equipment repairs (including execution status, payment verification, and plan/actual deviations) and the optimization of processes in MS Excel for automatic data summarization.

Economist of the 1st category of planning and economic department

from 03.2016 to 08.2018 (2 years 5 months)
State Energy Supervision Inspectorate of Ukraine, Kyiv (Government organizations)

entering information about cash flows into the management accounting software, preparing payment registers for the company and its regional branches, and conducting budget analysis of the funds utilized.

successful automation of work processes using VBA, particularly the development of macros for automatic generation of consolidated payment registers and preparation of plan/actual reports.


National Technical University of Ukraine «Kyiv Polytechnic Institute»

Business economics, Kyiv
Higher, from 2002 to 2004 (2 years)

Kyiv Humanitarian Institute

Specialist in international relations, Kyiv
Higher, from 1996 to 2001 (5 years)

Additional education and certificates

online courses «The Collins School of Data» in the program «Introduction to Google Apps Script»

2023, 4 months

online courses «UDEMI» certificate in «The complete JavaScript course 2022: From Zero to Expert»

2022, 9 months

online courses «Alison» certificate in «JavaScript - Working with the Document Object Model and jQuery Plugins»

2022, 2 months

online courses «Google Analytics Academy» certificate in «Google Analytic for beginners»

2022, 1 month

online courses «Mimo» (https://getmimo.com/) certificate in «WEB Development»

2021, 3 months

Knowledge and skills

  • HTML
  • CSS
  • JavaScript
  • JQuery
  • Understanding of responsive layout
  • Basic knowledge in Google Analytics
  • Writing/coding VBA macros in MS Excel
  • Writing/coding macros in Apps Script in Google Sheets

Language proficiencies

English — average

Additional information


projects in web development:

identifying opportunities for workflow improvement and automation;

finding common ground with different individuals and reaching compromises in contentious issues.

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