
IT-support, інженер технічної підтримки, системний адміністратор

Full-time, part-time.
43 years
City of residence:
Ready to work:
Kyiv, Remote, Zhytomyr, Zviahel

Contact information

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Work experience

Information Technology Help Desk Support

from 11.2021 to 08.2022 (9 months)
OSCE SMM to Ukraine, Київ (Неприбуткові, благодійні та громадські організації)

Administration and support of organization IT equipment - desktops, laptops, printers, MFU. Installation and configure software.
Interaction with customers in matters of equipment maintenance and the software of the organization.

IT Support Engineer

from 08.2021 to 10.2021 (2 months)
Optima Service, Київ (IT)

Remote & on-site IT - support of customers, companies.

Tier 2 Support Engineer

from 03.2019 to 01.2021 (1 year 10 months)
IT - Premium, Київ (IT)

Full time remote Tier 2 Customer support engineer (about 60 companies - local in Ukraine, also abroad).
Administration and support of server equipment, desktops, laptops, printers, routers, mobile devices.
Installation of the software, security updates.
Installation and support of Windows operating systems (XP - 10), MacOS, Servers OS (Win Server 2003 - 2019), Server and Desktop Ubuntu systems, MS Office Suits (2003 - 2019), antivirus software.
Support of the virtual systems like VMWare Esxi, VBox, Cloud Services (Hetzner, SIM Networks).
Active Directory administration, users accounts creation and supporting, data backup (Native Windows, NAS, Cloud, Veeam), .
Interaction with technical support of financial tools (Medoc, Liga, 1C, BestZvit, etc.,), Microsoft Support.
Interaction with customers in matters of equipment and the software maintenance of the companies and the customers.

Head of the structural unit - Senior System Administrator

from 02.2018 to 01.2019 (11 months)
AS Centre, AKIT, Київ (IT)

Administration and support of server equipment, desktops, laptops, printers, routers, switches, IP-telephony systems, mobile devices.
Install and configure software, security updates.
Installation and support of Windows operating systems (XP - 10), server (Win Server 2003 - 2016), server and desktop Ubuntu, MS Office Suits (2007 - 2016), antivirus software.
Sites creation.
Active Directory administration - support for system administration tasks using GPO, scripts, data backup, creating new users accounts and support.
Installation, support, and interaction with technical support of the Medoc, BestZvit, Parus, Liga, 1C, Office365.
Coordination of the provision of IT services for company employees.
Organization of interaction with customers in matters of equipment maintenance and the software of the companies.
Full remote customer support (about 40 companies).

Assistant Manager IT

from 07.2016 to 02.2018 (1 year 7 months)
SASSK LLC, Radisson Blu Hotel, Kyiv, Київ (IT)

Administration and support servers, desktop computers, laptops, printers, routers, switches, desktop phones, smartphones, software deployment, security updates.
Installation and support of Windows-based operation systems (Win Server 2003 - 2012), MS Office Suits (2007 - 2016), antivirus software, corporate software (Opera, Materials Control, iScala, SAP).
Ensure network security and connectivity.
Utilize software deployment technologies such as WDS integration, configuration, and upgrade deployments.
Maintain system administrative tasks through GPO, scripting, servers backups, creating new user accounts and maintained them according to local SOP's.
Providing electronic key cards to employees through Onity 24 system.
Providing daily technical support to both the administration team as well as hotel guests.
Interaction with the technical support of corporate software and hardware (Oracle Opera, MC, Micros; Epicor iScala; SAP; banks software; Nortel-Avaya, equipment of the points of sells).

Replacement of internal DECT-phone system to mobile phones system for employees.
Creation of a phone book for automatic installation on mobile phones of employees.
Automate the installation of operating systems by implementing an automatic installation of operating systems (WDS). That reduced the time for performing standard tasks and free up time for other operational tasks.

Safety engineer

from 06.2007 to 07.2016 (9 years 1 month)
SASSK LLC, Radisson Blu Hotel, Kyiv, Київ (Готельно-ресторанний бізнес)

Responsible for occupational and fire safety of the hotel.
Responsible for the maintenance and repair of fire protection systems.
Interaction with the state regulatory and inspection authorities.
Conducting of staff trainings.

Service engineer

from 08.2005 to 05.2007 (1 year 9 months)
Electromontazh LLC, Київ (Готельно-ресторанний бізнес)

Installation and commissioning of power plants on construction sites.
Maintenance of the Radisson Blu Hotel power systems.
Head of the electrical service (8 subordinate employees).
Preparation of construction projects to commissioning.
Work in the electrical laboratory.


from 03.2005 to 08.2005 (5 months)
VVS LLC, Київ (Будівництво, архітектура, дизайн інтер'єру)

Installation and commissioning of power plants, local area networks (LAN), security systems at the facilities of the company.

System administrator

from 05.2002 to 04.2004 (1 year 11 months)
Millenium - Telecommunications, Вінниця (IT)

Administration of server, computers, LAN, support of users, technical service of server and computers, maintenance and repair of computers and office equipment.

System administrator

from 02.2001 to 04.2004 (3 years 2 months)
Babylon - Telecommunications and Internet Services, Вінниця (IT)

Administration of server, computers, LAN, support of users, technical service of server and computers, maintenance and repair of computers and office equipment.

PC operator

from 01.2000 to 01.2000 (less than a month)
ARGO LLC, Вінниця (IT)

Provision of telecommunication services.
Sale and service of computer and office equipment.
Installation of security systems.
Maintenance and repair of computers and office equipment.

PC operator

from 02.1999 to 07.1999 (5 months)
Plant of special reinforced concrete structures PJSC, Гнівань (Будівельна промисловість, деревообробка)

Maintenance of computers and office equipment.


Vinnytsia National Technical University

Office and communication equipment, Вінниця
Unfinished higher, from 2000 to 2003 (3 years)

Institute of Radio Engineering, Communications and Equipment Building
Diploma: equipment adjuster 3-d category.

Vinnitsa Technical College

Maintenance and repair of electronics, Вінниця
Specialized secondary, from 1996 to 2000 (4 years)

Maintenance and repair of electronic equipment.

Additional education and certificates

IT-підтримка від Google


Knowledge and skills

  • Користувач ПК
  • Ремонт ПК
  • Налаштування антивірусного захисту
  • Модернізація ПК
  • Налаштування ОС
  • Системне адміністрування
  • Адміністрування локальної мережі
  • Адміністрування серверів
  • Ведення CRM
  • Технічна підтримка користувачів
  • Перша лінія підтримки
  • Друга лінія підтримки
  • Технічне обслуговування оргтехніки
  • MS Office
  • Налаштування мережевого обладнання
  • Знання бухгалтерських програм
  • Стресостійкість
  • Читання електричних схем
  • Читання креслень
  • ІV група з електробезпеки
  • Електромонтаж
  • Монтаж кабельних трас
  • Монтаж електропроводки

Language proficiencies

  • Ukrainian — fluent
  • English — above average
  • Russian — fluent

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