Вживання російської небезпечне

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Перейти на українську
Івано-Франківський ОТЦК та СП

Stormtrooper (military service under contract in the armed forces of Ukraine)

Вакансию сейчас просматривает 1 соискатель. Откликнитесь первым!

Описание вакансии

Main duties:

Ivano-Frankivsk OTCC and JV conducts recruitment of citizens for military service under contract aged 18 to 45.

Criteria for military service under the contract:

  • age up to 45 years,
  • complete general secondary education, no criminal record,
  • motivation for military service is present,
  • in terms of health, the candidate for military service is suitable according to medical indicators and indicators of professional selection,
  • possibly without experience of passing the service

good physical shape;

readiness to work in the zone of active hostilities;

motivation to destroy the enemy;

having combat experience will be an advantage.

Working conditions:

official mobilization until the end of martial law or contract service;

the possibility of transferring active military personnel;

financial support from 20,000 to 120,000 hryvnias, depending on the task and place of service.

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