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Резюме от 9 мая 2024


Sales manager, 30 000 грн

Полная занятость.
31 год

Контактная информация

Соискатель указал телефон , эл. почту и LinkedIn.

Фамилия, контакты и фото доступны только для зарегистрированных работодателей. Чтобы получить доступ к личным данным кандидатов, войдите как работодатель или зарегистрируйтесь.

Опыт работы

Partnership manager

с 10.2018 по 01.2019 (3 месяца)
UberEats, Київ (IT)

- build partnerships
- build network (calls, emails, chats, face-to-face)
- manage contract negotiations
- management and quality control of documentation
- budget, contract and accounting management support - close new partners to the Uber Eats platform

Social media evaluator

с 08.2018 по наст. время (5 лет 10 месяцев)
Appen, Дистанційно (IT)

- effective time management
- analyzing data from social media - collecting data from social media

Community Partnership Manager

с 06.2017 по 01.2018 (7 месяцев)
Creative Quarter - is a chain of creative office spaces forsearching IT companies from around world (start-up), Київ (Нерухомість)

- building project from 0 point (CQ Service Store)
- & generation of new partners (calls, emails, chats, face- to- face)
- manage contract negotiations (c-suite )
- coordination of the partners (up to 45 partners)
- managing, tracking, and reporting on enquiries received from clients related to the delivery of partners services
- developing of visual content for internal CQ Services
- writing guidance, annotations and service presentation
- internal promotion of the partner's services
- creation mail campaign (Mailchimp)
result: 3 month of work - 45 new partners
(small, middle and large size business)

Community Manager

с 03.2017 по 06.2017 (3 месяца)
Creative Quarter, Київ (Нерухомість)

- daily support of regular customers (email, phone, chats, face-to-face)
- communication and support C-level management (email, phone, chats, face-to-face) - managing, tracking, and reporting on enquiries received from clients related
to the delivery of services
- onboarding new customers
- high level of customer service and delivering services
- creation technical guidance for equipment and cloud tools, annotations and
service presentation for customers
- presentation of operational services to new customers
- technical support and assistance of customers
- management and quality control of documentation
- budget, contract and accounting management support
- planning, coordination and organizing events for the Israel embassy

Assistant Producer and Project Coordinator

с 10.2014 по 03.2017 (2 года 5 месяцев)
Ruban Production ITP - development of performing arts, Київ (Шоу-бізнес, мистецтво, культура)

- coordination participants in the international projects
- drawing up a schedule
- close work with international institutions and diplomatic mission (Lithuanian culture institute, British Council, Ministry of culture Ukraine etc.)
- development of the project development strategy
- fundraising
- contacts
- administrative support related to budgets, financial report, accounting
- managing events (performing arts shows)


КНУ їм. Тараса Шевченка

Юридичний, Київ
Высшее, с 2011 по 2016 (5 лет)

BA, Law faculty, Law
Taras Shevchenko NU of Kyiv

КНУ їм. Тараса Шевченка

Філософський, Київ
Высшее, с 2010 по 2015 (5 лет)

MA, Philosophy faculty Political science
Taras Shevchenko NU of Kyiv

Дополнительное образование и сертификаты

Practical educational program for technological start - up’s

2015 3 місяці

Product Manager “How to create and manage products” Educational platform, LABA

2018 2 місяці

Знания и навыки

Стресостійкість Продаж B2B Комунікабельність Активний продаж

Знание языков

  • Английский — средний
  • Русский — свободно

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