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Резюме от 23 октября 2023 Файл


Mechanical engineer

27 лет
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Roman Ahadzhanian
Bahnhofstr.8, Schwarzenfeld,
 I am a qualified marine engineer with experience both in technical and
humanitarian aspects. Challenging all sorts of problems improves me.
🕽 [открыть контакты](см. выше в блоке «контактная информация») Moreover, my skills help me to overcome any obstacles on my way.
During my life I worked with many people all around the world. My
professional knowledge is not limited only with Marine Industry. It
[открыть контакты](см. выше в блоке «контактная информация») includes also unmanned aerial vehicle, infrared thermography, general
om management skills and teaching.

Forth Engineer. 27.01.2023- 25.05.2023
SKILLS 27.08.2021-13.01.2022
Continued to work as an engineer. There was different machinery I was responsible
 Maintanance of. My team conducted inspections, maintenance and operating. of them. Thankfully
to my interest to the new technologies I am keen to implement them in reality which
 Problem solving I believe could reduce costs of operating and increase safety of marine personnel.

Engine Cadet. 12.08.2020-22.04.2021
 Leadership
In this contract I was able to learn about documentation and management. These are
extremely important for a better working practice. Combined with the skills I had
 Computer skills
gained before I demonstrated excellent understanding in different questions from
 Planning maintenance to planned inspections.

Engine Cadet. 10.11.2019- 05.02.2020
 Communication
Here I got practical knowledge about inspection of machinery, enclosed spaces etc.
 Public speaking Conducted different inspections both in the engine room and on deck. Participated in
EDUCATION class, incident and bunkering surveys.

BACHELOR’S DEGREE Engine Cadet. 19.01.2019 -17.08.2019

During this time I studied how marine industry works from inside. First of all I
Marine Power Plant Operation and
observed all technical and safety aspects learnt what kind of troubles one can face
while working in the “heart” of a vessel. There were many challenging situations
National University “Odessa Maritime which I enjoyed to deal with. Thus I gained technical background.


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