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Резюме от 11 мая 2024 Файл


Full stack developer (JS/React)

50 лет
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Full Stack developer

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I am a full stack developer. I focus on HTML5, CSS3, JS, React, Node.js. I
am looking for a remote job. Development, practice and work for the result
are important for me. My goal is professional growth, as well as improving
my English

PHONE BOOK https://github.com/LiudmylaBolotova/goit-react-hw-08-phonebook
The phone book has the functionality of registration, login and password.
Used React, Redux-Toolkit, Redux Persist, Axios, Styled-components.
SYNOPTIC NEWS https://github.com/LiudmylaBolotova/synoptic-news
This is an application for finding the weather forecast in any location. The
user has access to the forecast for today, the next 3 days and the hourly
JavaScript forecast for 3 days. I have used HTML, React, Axios, Styled-components,
React React-hot-toast, React-icons, React-loader-spinner.

REST API MY RESUME https://github.com/LiudmylaBolotova/my-resume
The summary is written using technologies and libraries: HTML, React,
Node.js Styled-components, React-icons, React-loader-spinner.
SEARCH MOVIES https://github.com/LiudmylaBolotova/goit-react-hw-05-movies
The application has created a basic routing for finding and storing movies.
https://www.themoviedb.org/ was used as a backend. Implemented
functionality: list of popular films for today, search for a movie by keyword,
request for full information about the movie, information about the cast,
movie reviews. Used React, React-router-dom, Axios, Styled-components,
SOFT SKILLS React.lazy and Suspense.

Motivation and responsibility IMAGE SEARCH https://github.com/LiudmylaBolotova/goit-react-hw-04-images

Abilityto work on a team and This is an image search application by keyword. I used the public service
https://pixabay.com/api/docs/. Implemented a modal window with a "Big
Card", pagination and a "Load more" button. The application is written on
Ability to search and analyze hooks, the "State Machine" technology is applied.
FILMOTEKA https://github.com/LiudmylaBolotova/Filmoteka-project
Willingness and desire to
develop Participation in a team project to find films and add favorite films to the
client's personal library. My work is a header. Using pure JS, npm packages
Ability to work on mistakes and SCSS.

СOPYWRITER - Freelance

Completed online courses on SEO-optimization. Writing 100% literate,
selling texts on various topics. Strict adherence to deadlines. Grateful
regular customers.

EDUCATION IT academy GoIT, Ukraine
FULL STACK DEVELOPER september 2021 - october 2023

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