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Резюме от 19 июня 2024 Файл


Manual Software QA Engineer (HealthTech)

38 лет

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Manual Software QA Engineer (with medical professional background)

Nataliia Fedoriv
Phone (Viber, WhatsApp): [открыть контакты](см. выше в блоке «контактная информация»)
Email: [открыть контакты](см. выше в блоке «контактная информация»)

Technical skills:
Tools and Technologies: Postman, Chrome Devtools, MS Visual Studio, Figma, Fiddler, Charles
Project management tools: Azure DevOps, Atlassian Jira/Confluence, TestRail
Databases: MS SQL, NoSQL DB Cosmos DB, MySQL
OS/Platforms: Windows, MacOS, Android

Professional experience:
Software testing and QA experience:
• October 2022 - present time - Manual Software QA Engineer at Coherent Solutions - Bulgaria, Sofia,
• January 2022 - June 2022 - software testing (mobile) on the crowd testing platform uTest.
Medical experience:
• 2011-2019 - Physician/Hematologist at the State Policlinic of Radiation Protection, Kyiv, Ukraine.
• 2019-2021 - The Head of Kiev Department of Medical Examination of Donors at Biopharma Plasma, Kyiv,
Project 1: Web App that provides the ability for developers of hardware (commercial heating and
air/conditioning) to develop and to control them remotely and view historical operating information.
Main responsibilities on the project:
• Requirements analysis
• Developing and maintain documentation: Test plan, Test cases (both for UI and API)
• Performing functional, non-functional testing, regression testing
• UI and API testing
• Performing cross-browser testing
• Bug reporting and tracking. Analyzing the bugs and collaborating with the development team for successful
fixing and verification.
Tools used on the project: Azure DevOps, MS SQL DB, Cosmos DB, Browsers (Chrome, FF, Edge), Postman

Project 2: Web App that aimed to improve and to automate management processes for management, for
supervising the employees.
Main responsibilities on the project:
• Developing Test documentation: Test plan, Test cases, Checklists
• Performing functional, non-functional, regression testing
• UI testing
• Performing cross-browser testing
• Bug tracking and reporting
Tools used on the project: Atlassian Jira/Confluence, Browsers (Chrome, Edge, Safari)
• 2003-2009 - Medical Faculty of Ivano-Frankivsk State Medical University, Ukraine.
• 2021- Software QA Training at "QA Light Professional Training Center ", Kyiv, Ukraine.
• 2022 - Coherent QA School, Bulgaria

• Commercial experience in Web applications testing: UI and API testing. Experience in mobile testing.
• Developing and maintaining test documentation: Test plans, Test cases (for both UI and API testing),
• Writing and managing bugs: investigation of root cause, reporting and tracking them to resolution.
• Experience with Scrum processes, understanding of SDLC and STLC.
• University degree in Medicine.
• Multilingual: Ukrainian (native), English (B1), Bulgarian (A1).

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