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Резюме от 1 июня 2024 Файл




Контактная информация

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Inna Chuprynska

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Summary of Qualifications
I worked as a tutor at online school and Sargoi IC, and I work as a copywriter for more than three year for Ideals company as a freelancer. Besides, I translate texts from Ukrainian to the English language. I write various essays, blog posts, stories for the company.
I am open-minded, organized, team oriented and job-dedicated. I possess active teamwork attitude and excellent interpersonal and communication skills. Quick learning ability and capability to juggle multiple high priority tasks are my major advantages.

Job-related skills
Master at translating and writing (creating) a variety of texts.
Much experience working with children of all ages.
Interpretation of various conferences, lectures.
Good command of office suite (word processor, spread sheet, presentation software)
TKT certificate, Module 1
Organisational / managerial skills

• I have management skills, and I know how to work under pressure, good at problem solving and troubleshooting.

Communication skills
• I have worked in variety group projects, took part in foreign programs (Erasmus +), so I know how to work as a part of team, collaborate and go to incredible lengths.


2020- till now freelance copywriter IDEALS
2020-2021 teacher at JustSchool
2021-2022 teacher in Sargoi
Master’s Degree
National University of Ostroh Academy
Romance and Germanic Languages
Graduated in 2022

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