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Резюме от 13 июня 2024 Файл



39 лет

Контактная информация

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Oleksandr Vodianitskyi
Full time, part time, no relocation
Age: 39 years
Date of birth: 09 July 1984
Place of birth: Mezhova, Dnipro region
City of permanent residence: Dnipro
Contact Information
Phone and messengers: [открыть контакты](см. выше в блоке «контактная информация»)
E. mail: [открыть контакты](см. выше в блоке «контактная информация»)
International Rescue Committee, Dnipro (Non-profit, charity and public organizations)
From 04.2023 - 08.2023
Position: NGO’s Field Coordinator's driver
Ukraine Armed Forces, Dnipro (State organizations)
Rank: private (soldier)
Position: deputy of platoon’s commander
From 11.2022 - 03.2023
Reason of resignation: caretaking of disabled father and wife
Triangle Génération Humanitaire Ukraine triangle
From 09.2022-10.2022
Ukraine, Dnipro
Fixer, security advisor, driver
Reason of resignation: army draft service
Hydroservice, Dnipro, 01.2019 - 01.2022
Positions and duties: Executive manager, Fleet manager, Security manager
Family security and driver
Ascom Service, Dnipro (Metallurgical industry, metalworking)
From 10.2018 – 01.2019
Principal’s family private security detail (PSD) and driver
Carrying out the instructions of the management, accompanying children to school, clubs, etc.
10th State Bakery factory, 2016-2018
Position: delivery truck driver
Dnipro Road Engineering Institute, 2015-2016
Position: principal’s driver
Private business, self-employment, 2013-2014
Truck delivery services

From 01.2008-07.2012
Police (Resolution of citizens' applications)
Positions and duties: investigator
Rank: lieutenant of police
Firefighter and rescuer
From 05.2005 - 05.2008 (3 years)
Ministry of Emergency Situations, Pokrovsk, Donetsk region (State organizations)
Position: Firefighter and rescue team leader
State guard service, Ukraine Ministry of Interior, Donetsk, 2004-2005
Duties: industrial premises security, transportation security escort

Police school in Kryvy Rih, 2008-2010
Qualification: sergeant of police, district inspector
Dnipro Professional College of Electrification of the Dnipro State Agrarian and Economic University (KEDDAU)
Qualifications: electrical engineer, 2 kV clearance
Electricians, Dnipropetrovsk
Mezhova Vocational School 76: Bachelor’s degree, from 2006 to 2008 (3 years)
Qualification: agricultural machinery operator, mechanic, truck driver, category C

Language knowledge
English ─ B
Skills and trainings: Battlefield First Aid, A, B, C Driver silence, agriculture machines operator A, B, C (wheeled and tracked tractors, harvesters)
About me: Responsible, resilient, attentive, honest.
No relocation, caretaker of disabled father and wife

Другие резюме этого кандидата

Похожие кандидаты

Руководитель службы безопасности
30000 грн, Днепр, Киев

Специалист по безопасности

Охоронець, Security guard
30000 грн, Днепр, Песчанка (Днепропетровская обл.), Новомосковск

Начальник службы безопасности
Днепр, Киев , еще 4 города

Начальник службы безопасности
25000 грн, Днепр

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