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Резюме от 1 февраля 2024 Файл




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Telegram Experienced and results-driven QA Engineer with a proven track
record of 2 years specializing in manual testing. Proficient in testing
[открыть контакты](см. выше в блоке «контактная информация») methodologies and well-versed in executing various testing types,
including functional, regression, and user acceptance testing. Detail-
oriented and committed to delivering high-quality products, have a
Odesa, Ukraine | Remote strong ability to identify and document software defects effectively.
Expertise includes comprehensive web and mobile testing, collaborating
closely with cross-functional teams and contributing to the continuous
improvement of testing processes. Seeking a role where I can leverage
TECHNICAL SKILLS my expertise to ensure the delivery of reliable and robust software
Test Аrtifacts: Тest Suites,. solutions.
Test Cases, Сhecklists, Bug
reports, Bug reproduction WORK EXPERIENCE
Bug Tracking & Test
Management Tools: Jira, LicsSoft | QA Engineer
August 2021 – up to now
Version Control: Git
Web Technologies: QA Engineer
HTML/CSS, JavaScript Collaborated with cross-functional teams to prioritize defect
API Testing: Postman resolution according to severity and impact, thereby ensuring the
Operating Systems: Windows, efficient utilization of resources.
Android Created detailed test documentation, including comprehensive test
plans, test cases, and test scripts, which played a pivotal role in
shaping the development life cycle. This documentation not only
provided a roadmap for testing activities but also significantly
impacted the overall quality assurance processes, contributing to
GoIT the successful delivery of high-quality software products.
QA Engineer Implemented test development methodologies to enhance test
coverage and efficiency, resulting in a significant reduction in post-
June 2023 - September 2023
release defects.
Attained the lowest defect rate across all teams, showcasing a
EDUCATION dedication to the delivery of high-quality products and a
commitment to ensuring unparalleled customer satisfaction.
South Ukrainian National
Enhanced the testing team's capabilities through the application of
Pedagogical University
theoretical and practical knowledge, resulting in a substantial
named after K. D. decrease in the occurrence and development of risks.
Ushinsky Established successful communication channels between the
Ukrainian | Language Teacher development and support teams, facilitating a more rapid and
Education | Specialist efficient approach to preventing and identifying system deficiencies
that directly align with user requirements.
September 1998 - July 2003 Experienced in identifying and reproducing bugs, which has
significantly contributed to their timely and accurate resolution.

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