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Резюме от 29 мая 2024 Файл


UX/UI designer

25 лет

Контактная информация

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Anastasiia Partuta
UX/UI Designer

As a UX/UI designer, I have skills that combine functionality and aesthetics. My approach to
creating engaging interfaces is based on a balanced combination of technical competence and a
deep understanding of user needs. My goal when creating a product is not only to visually satisfy
the user, but also to make their experience memorable and effective. I am always open to
Contact improving and implementing new ideas, working for results and striving to achieve high design
standards in every project.

[открыть контакты](см. выше в блоке «контактная информация»)
Project Experience
[открыть контакты](см. выше в блоке «контактная информация»)
Website “India Cafe” Redesign
The redesign of the “India Cafe” website was an exciting and transformative project aimed
at improving the user experience, ensuring an attractive and efficient look and feel, and
Kyiv, Ukraine
improving its functionality to achieve business goals. Much attention was paid not only to
the aesthetic appearance of the site, but also to the aspects of user interaction with the

Hard Skills product to achieve a harmonious and positive user experience.
Goals: To create a product that meets customer needs to achieve business goals and
optimizes, improves, and provides a convenient user experience.
User Research Task: To create a visually appealing design that reflects Indian culture, focuses on
usability, simplifies the ordering process, and attracts and satisfies customers.
User Interface Design
Solution: To achieve the result, a comprehensive approach was taken: visual updates,
Wireframes improved interaction optimization, updated content and improved menu presentation.
Web service “ClearCraft” Design
Adaptive design
Having carefully worked through each stage of the design process, we developed a design
User Flows for the Clear Craft cleaning web service that not only demonstrates the essence of the
User Stories brand, but also provides a user experience that captivates and engages visitors.
Journey Mapping Stages: 1-Research: understanding the target audience, their needs and problems.
Analysis of the competitive landscape. 2-Information architecture: determination of the
logic and structure of the web service, sitemap. 3-Visualization: development of aesthetic
Tools design, including color palette, fonts, typography. 4-Prototyping: creating a design
prototype for testing functionality and user experience. 5-Adaptation: ensuring optimal
performance of the web service on different devices and screen sizes. 6-Testing and
Figma improvement: checking interaction and functionality, making the latest changes.
Adobe Photoshop

Adobe Illustrator
Website of virtualization and cloud environment Redesign
The redesign of the website was based on a comprehensive approach to improve the
appearance and functionality of the site to enhance the user experience and meet
business needs.
Soft Skills Stages of the redesign: 1-Strategic Analysis: analyzing the current state of the site,
identifying its advantages and disadvantages. 2-Target Audience: research and definition
of the target audience, their needs and expectations. 3-Design Concept: development of
Determined a design concept that reflects the importance and modernity of virtualization technologies
and cloud environment. Determination of website style, main design elements, color
palette, typography, interactive elements, etc. Optimization of the structure and
Organized placement of information on the site for easy finding of key elements. 4-UI and UX
Design: development of a user interface (UI) that reflects the new look of the site through
Quick learning skills
the use of bright elements, colors, high-quality photos, icons. Improving the user
Diligent experience (UX) by optimizing the interaction and user paths. 5-Adaptation of the design
to the mobile version.

English - Elementary
IT School GoIT (2023) IT School GoIT (2023 - till now)
Ukrainian - Native
Web Design UX/UI Design

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