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Резюме от 16 июня 2024 Файл


.Net developer

28 лет

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Kostiantyn Turkin
.NET developer

Dnipro city, Ukraine
Email: [открыть контакты](см. выше в блоке «контактная информация»)
Phone number: [открыть контакты](см. выше в блоке «контактная информация»)
LinkedIn: Konstantin Turkin | LinkedIn
GitHub: ItStartsWithOneThing

Professional summary

.NET developer with 1+ year of experience in web applications development.
The main technology stack is based on the C# programming language and
.NET infrastructure. I’m always trying to improve my knowledge of modern
technology and apply my skills in practice. Open-minded and responsible team
player who likes to improve "hard" and "soft" skills.

Dnipropetrovsk National University of Railway Transport named after academician
V.Lazaryan. Qualification awarded: Master’s Degree in Railway Building.
IT Courses: Itea.ua – “Web development via .NET” 06.2022 – 08.2022


Technologies and tools
• C#, .NET Core, .NET 5+
• ASP.NET Web API, Entity Framework Core, Dapper, ADO.Net, Docker,
RabbitMQ, Microservices
• PostgreSQL, MS SQL
• REST API, gRPC, Swagger, Postman
• NUnit, xUnit
• HTML, CSS, Vanilla JavaScript, React.js
• Git, GitLab
• Jira, Confluence
Duration: 08.2023 – 12.2023
Internet booking

Maintaining and developing online services for booking that contains
web-application for customers and the CRM system used by the company's
contact center staff for order management and customer support.

Team Position
28 specialists .NET developer

• Migration from MSSQL Server to PostgreSQL
• Rewriting of functions and procedures
• Rewriting of procedures and functions calls from C# code
• Writing scripts for transferring constraints and indexes from MSSQL to
PostgreSQL database
• Working in an Agile environment
• Fixing bugs

Technologies and tools
• C#, .NET Framework 4.7, .NET 7, Web-Forms, ADO.Net, Dapper,
PostgreSQL, MSSQL Server, Docker, GitLab, Jira, Confluence
Duration: 10.2022 – 08.2023
Banking application

Development of a banking application that provides services for the bank
clients. The system allows clients to get the info about the bank services (loans,
deposits, cards), make payments (pay for internet communications and digital
TV services, utilities), transfers between bank cards, have access to card
transaction history, exchange currency, and issue new banking products.

Team Position
11 specialists .NET developer

• Fixing bugs
• Writing unit tests
• Implementing new functionality
• Improving code quality
• Working in an Agile environment
• Evaluating and improving the program effectiveness
• Utilizing good design practices, code reusing and writing efficient source code

Technologies and tools
• C#, .NET 6, ASP.NET Web API, Entity Framework Core, Dapper,
PostgreSQL, AutoMapper, Fluent Validation, REST API, Swagger,
Postman, Docker, RabbitMQ, xUnit, GitLab, Jira, Confluence

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