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Резюме от 8 апреля 2024 Файл


Биомедицинский инженер

23 года

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Версия для быстрого просмотра

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Tamerlan Yusifov, 23
Medical Engineer
[открыть контакты](см. выше в блоке «контактная информация»)| [открыть контакты](см. выше в блоке «контактная информация») | Vienna, Austria
Young Medical Engineer (MSc), seeking to develop my skills in Healthcare industry, knowledgeable of Deep
learning applications in medicine, HL7, quality management and it’s relevant ISO standards. Developed skills
in modeling and image analysis. Worked with DICOM format files. Especially knowledgeable in cancer field
and relevant domains associated with it. Have experience working with finite numerical method. Have
experience in Image analysis using MATLAB, Have a relevant Austrian permit and planning to stay Austria.
Python Deep Learning PyTorch MATLAB MS Office HL7 Health care IT DICOM Image analysis
Work Experience

Programing Internship | Medical University of Vienna | March 2023 – June 2023
● Used the K-wave package within MATLAB to simulate ultrasound field propagation, focusing on analyzing optimizing
collected data.
● Employed the FOCUS package for near field simulations, for continuous wave pressure fields.
● Conducted comparative analysis between field propagation results obtained from simulations and measured field data.
● Implemented custom analytical expressions within the FOCUS package to model complex array geometries accurately.
● Integrated findings from simulations and measured data to optimize ultrasound field propagation

Laboratory Technician| usePAT October 2021 – February 2022 | Vienna, Austria
● Planned and implemented experiments using PAT probes, resulting in a 20% increase in data accuracy and reliability.
● Increased automation and control of experiments.
● Analyzed datasets using MS Excel, leading to the identification of key insights and trends, which informed decision-making
optimization and automation strategies.
● Adjusted, optimized experiments, resulting in a 15% increase in experimental efficiency and a 10% improvement in data quality.
● Prepared comprehensive reports and presentations, effectively communicating findings and recommendations

Biomedical Technician Intern | Motol Hospital | May 2021 – June 2021 |Prague, Czech Republic
● Obtained in-depth understanding of neonatological department, mainly worked under a guidance of senior biomedical
engineers and nurses to monitor critical parameters.
● Collaborating with neonatologists and nursing staff to ensure the functionality and safety of equipment for newborns.
● Conducted calibration, and maintenance of medical devices of neonatal care, including incubators, ventilators, and monitoring
● Assisting in administrative and regulatory tasks related to medical equipment.
● Participating in troubleshooting activities to identify and resolve technical issues promptly.

Master’s degree in Medical Engineering & eHealth | University of Applied Sciences in Vienna | 2021 –2023
● Thesis: Utilization of PyTorch in detection and distinguishing in between 3 different types of brain tumour.
● Relevant Coursework: Python programming, Bioinformatics, Image analysis, Signal processing, Quality and Regulatory Affairs

Bachelor’s degree in Biomedical and Clinical Technology | The Czech Technical University in Prague | 2018 –2021
● Thesis: Designing antenna elements for cancer treatment.
● Relevant Coursework: Electronics, Automation and simulation, Signal processing, Tomographical Imaging systems
References for recommendations

● Ms.Maria Gonta • Lecturer of Bioinformatics at UAS Technikum Wien and current Product Owner/Product Manager Critical
Care at Dedalus• Email: [открыть контакты](см. выше в блоке «контактная информация»)
● Dr. Diane Shooman • Lecturer of Humanities course of the UAS Technikum Wien Master Medical Engineering program • Email:
[открыть контакты](см. выше в блоке «контактная информация») • Phone: 0660 240 5222
● Dr. scient. med. Matthias Scherer • Former lectuter of Qiality and Regulatory Affairs Management at FH Technikum Wien. Head
of market surveillance for the Federal Office for Safety in Health Care. •Email: [открыть контакты](см. выше в блоке «контактная информация»)

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