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Резюме от 29 марта 2024 Файл


.Net developer

26 лет

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Oleh Yavorskyi Summary
.NET Developer I am Web Developer with over 5 years of hands-on experience in
designing, developing, and maintaining robust and scalable software
solutions. Proficient in the complete software development lifecycle,
from concept to deployment. Have good background in software
development, cloud services, project architecture principles and team
processes. I am looking for opportunities to improve and expand my
technical skills as well as add value to your team and contribute to
product success.

Work Experience
Personal info
Jun 2021 – Now
Location: Lviv, Ukraine
Age: 25 years Full Stack Developer (FollowApp.care)
Contact Collaborated in the development team of a large product in the
healthcare field developed and improved various platform services. Used
Phone: [открыть контакты](см. выше в блоке «контактная информация»)
Email: [открыть контакты](см. выше в блоке «контактная информация») ASP.NET, SQL, Angular and Azure to develop new functionality.
LinkedIn: Profile Spearheaded the development of a robust data import system using
cloud storages, VMs, FTP and data parsing libraries. Implemented scaling
Education patterns to seamlessly integrate new clients into the platform. Was
responsible for the integration of analytics services, leveraging Microsoft
Sep 2015 – Dec 2020
Azure technologies such as Synapse Analytics and CosmosDB.
Master's degree: Institute of Computer Engineered communication services by integrating various emailing and
Technologies, Automation and Metrology, messaging APIs. Transferred some services to serverless architecture
Lviv Polytechnic National University
with Azure Functions, ServiceBus messaging and cloud patterns (CQRS,
Event Sourcing). Improved UI using latest versions of Angular.
Key technologies
Jan 2020 – Jun 2021
Backend Development:
Full Stack Developer (A2Software)
 .NET Core
 ASP.NET (MVC, WebAPI) Working in an Agile team for development of a corporate project to
 Entity framework and lite ORMs automate the use of flexible methodologies and teamwork in education
 SQL, MS SQL Server, PostgreSQL and improvement for Danish clients. Created various UI widgets for
analytics and product features with requirement of the most accurate
Frontend Development: design like custom icons library, graph components etc. Used ASP.NET to
 Angular 2+ develop monolithic server-side architecture to handle the core
 HTML 5, CSS 3 functionality of the product. Implemented CI/CD for different areas and
 JavaScript, jQuery environments using Azure DevOps pipelines and YAML config.

Cloud services and developing tools: May 2019 – Dec 2019

 Microsoft Azure (Functions, .Net Developer (Freelance)
KeyVault, App Insights etc.) Offered technical procedures for business decisions. Worked with
 ServiceBus various .Net solutions such as CMS (NopCommerce, Umbraco),
 Docker Selenium web driver automation, etc.
 Azure DevOps Jun 2018 – Apr 2019
 Visual Studio
.Net Developer (OGD Solutions)
 Git
Worked with e-commerce projects and added new functionality.
Languages Improved legacy code and implemented several third-party APIs,
especially payment methods.
 Ukrainian – Native
 English – Intermediate

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