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Резюме от 10 апреля 2024 Файл


Unity developer

20 лет
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Загруженный файл

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Trainee/Junior Unity Developer

Hello, I’m Kirill
I am a [self-taught game developer] who loves to create something
challenging and creative. I compare my projects to a child . After 👶🏻
all, to create them, you need to have the desire, ability and
understanding of what will come of it later . 😁

Space Traveller
[открыть контакты](см. выше в блоке «контактная информация») A game in the style of "runner". Will be interesting to everyone who is interested in space
themes. Also, there are ships from the series "Star Wars". Dodge meteorites and catch coins
that would gather the entire collection. The main goal is not to crash into the meteorites that
[открыть контакты](см. выше в блоке «контактная информация») will fly to meet you. With each second, it will appear faster and faster. Flight forward is
automatic, and to move left and right use a,d (with animation) or arrows (without animation) -

EDUCATION 1. Animation
2. Spawner.
University Details 3. Shop.
4. Save and Load data/game progress;
2021 - 2025
Lviv Polytechnic
National University
Faculty of Cyber security

Development Process:
First, the concept and essence of the game were thought out. The creation began with the main part - the
game scene.
A bit of particle system The objects were taken from scetchfab. The technology that was implemented in the game scene:
Creating a player based on which ship is selected.
Spawer Player movement to the left and right when pressing the keys.
Animation of the ship's tilt when moving.
Level design Meteorite prefab spawn.
OOP, SOLID Spawn prefab for coins.
Counting the points scored, recording and displaying them, and showing the highest score.
Realization of the score and Pause menu.
game currency Technology that has been implemented in the menu scene:
Pressing buttons.
Collision Switch to other scenes.
Displaying the number of coins.
Shop realization
Technology that has been implemented in the settings scene:
Upgrade menu realization Changing the volume level
On/Off the volume
Save/Load game data
Change the graphics settings
Technology that has been implemented in the store scene:
English level Buying different ships
Viewing the 3D model of the ship

Last Ship
A 2D game that I implemented during the course "Udemy - Creating a game with Unity (2019)". You, as the captain of the
ship, need to shoot back waves of enemies and collect coins and boosters to be able to defeat the boss

1. Enemy waves.
2. Upgrade menu.
3. Development life and shield bars through a slider;

Development Process:
First, the concept and essence of the game were thought out. The
creation began with the main part - the game scene. The objects were
taken from scetchfab.
The technology that was implemented in the game scene:
Creating a player based on which a ship is selected.
Movement of the player through mouse control (finger control if on
a phone).
Animation of boosters and bullets.
Prefab enemy waves, busters, bullets spawn.
Pause menu.
Paralax efect on background.
Technology that has been implemented in the menu scene:
Hide/Show panels.
Choosing levels.
Displaying the score.
Upgrade health/shield and speed depending on ship.
Shop menu.

2048 3D
Interpretation of the popular game "2048" in 3D format. Connect identical cubes and get new ones of a higher level. You
can turn barriers on or off and choose when to end the game.

1. Commit and Push updates to GitHub
2. Change cube material by collision
3. Only panels change, not game scenes

Development Process:
The game was developed according to the
technical specifications. To begin with, the game
logic and approximate implementation were
thought out. Everything was done by changing the
A menu panel was created. There is only the name of the game and the start button.
Next, the borders panel opens, where you can choose whether to enable borders or not.
Then the game starts. The scoreboard, the arena for the game, and two cubes (the starting
cube and the player's cube) are activated.
The player can control their cube by dragging it across the field and pushing it.
If the cubes have the same value, they are connected and form a new cube.
The game ends if the player goes to the pause menu and selects "end game"

GitHub repository - https://github.com/Kipadd/2048-3D

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