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Резюме от 30 апреля 2024 Файл


Truck Dispatcher

36 лет
Город проживания:
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Контактная информация

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Valentina Kizka
Logistics Manager / Truck Dispatcher
Uzhgorod 88000
E-Mail: [открыть контакты](см. выше в блоке «контактная информация»)
Young truck Dispatcher with experience in Customer Service. Looking to work in a fast-paced environment. Highly motivated to prove my value to a trucking company. Fast learner and an A+ student. Capable of building rapport with internal and external parties to represent the company accurately.
• Ability to work with load-boards;
• Invoicing;
• Understanding of Houers of service;
• Knowledge of market analysis techniques;
• Microsoft Excel, Microsoft Word
• Schedule coordination
• Time management
• Attention to details
• Problem-solving
• Stress resistance
• Teamwork
• Planning and execution
Private Enterprise 'Dairy Factory Loostdorf', Zaporozhye
Sales Representative (June 2021 to February 2022)
⦁ Set up appointments with potential and current customers to discuss new products and services
⦁ Monitored weekly sales to write reports for senior leadership and streamline operational processes
⦁ Developed and implemented sales strategies to increase revenue
⦁ Networked at events and by phone to expand business profits and revenues
⦁ Maintained routine communication with clients to assess overall satisfaction, resolve complaints, and promote new offerings
⦁ Researched potential clients and markets to prepare for appointments
⦁ Identified client needs, built relationships, and overcame objections to drive sales
⦁ Prepared sales contracts
⦁ Applied prospecting expertise to generate and pursue leads, setting up appointments and site visits to maintain budding relationships
⦁ Submitted and tracked orders
⦁ Collected and processed payments

Tokmak Mechanical Technical College Ukraine. Zaporizhye Region
Junior Specialist Accounting with Honor
Pro Dispatch School, Online - Certification
March2023 - May 2023
Comprehensive ten-module course about the logistics industry and truck dispatching.
Here I have studied the equipment and types of trucks, including information on route planning, invoicing, market analysis, problem-solving, conflict resolution, and the dispatcher’s work algorithm, and reinforced it in practical classes. Worked with load-boards, analyzed and selected loads.
Russian - adventure
Ukraine - adventure
English – intermediate

Похожие кандидаты

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Truck dispatcher
100000 грн, Удаленно, Другие страны

Truck dispatcher
Удаленно, Черкассы

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