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Back-end програміст

68 лет
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Версия для быстрого просмотра

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Iurii Ievdokymenko
Location: Kharkiv, Ukraine
Phone: [открыть контакты](см. выше в блоке «контактная информация»)
E-mail: [открыть контакты](см. выше в блоке «контактная информация»)
Skype: yury.evdokimenko

 Dedicated professional with over forty years of successful experience in software applications
development and mathematical modelling methods.
 Ph.D. Mathematics and Physics.
 Goal-oriented and highly motivated team player.
 Good people skills, sociable, flexible, responsible, determined.

Professional skills
Technologies: MathCad, Mathematical modeling in phisics & economics;
Web development: ASP.NET MVC, ASP.NET Core, ASP.NET Web API, JavaScript (jQuery), Vue.js 2,
Vue.js 3 composition API with TypeScript, HTML, SCSS; Entity Framework, Entity
Framework Core, NodeJs (Express), Azure, Angular.
Desktop development: Windows Forms;
SQL Databases: MS SQL, PostgreSQL, MySQL, SQLite; MongoDB
Unit testing: MS Unit Testing Framework for ASP.NET Core, Jest for Vue.js;
Continuous Integration: Git.

Work experience
2021 – 2022 INCHKIEV, Ukraine
Role: Full Stack Software Developer
Web platform in medical marketing: Web site development (back end/front
Technologies: Asp.Net Core 6, EF Core 6, Web API, Vue.js, MS SQL Server,

2017 – 2021 Software Context, Inc., USA
Role: Software Developer
Web platform for managing medical lab deliveries Responsibilities: Web site
development (back end/front end).
Technologies: Asp.Net Core MVC, Asp.Net MVC, WCF, Web API, EF, MS SQL
Server, PostgreSql, JavaScripts, jQuery

2008 - 2017 Kharkov Trade and Economic Institute, Ukraine
Role: docent, lecturer, Head of the Department of Mathematics and
Disciplines Econometrics, Financial Mathematics, Mathematical Models in
Economics, Operations Research, Applied mathematical statistics
Technologies: MathCad, MS Excel;

1994 - 2007 Scientific metrological center of the Ministry of Defense of Ukraine,
Role: Researcher
Development of automated measurement process control systems. Development
of methods for computer statistical processing of measurement results. Numerical
simulation and full-scale experiments of physical processes in the standards of
the Ministry of Defense of Ukraine.
Research leader of center.
Technologies and Technics: Visual C++, Windows Forms; MathCad, full-scale

1985 - 1993 Kharkov Higher Military Aviation College of Radio Electronics, USSR
Role: Researcher
Theoretical and experimental studies of physical processes in precision oscillators
and quartz resonators. Numerical simulation of physical processes in precision
high-frequency generators.
Technologies and Technics: FORTRAN, Basic, full-scale experiments

1979 - 1985 Institute of Radiophysics and Electronics, Academy of Sciences of the
Role: Researcher
Numerical simulation of physical processes in microwave electronics
Technologies and Technics: ALGOL

1984 PhD. Moscow State University
1973-1978 Degree: Master
Kharkov State University
Department: Radiophysics
Field of study: Theoretical radiophysics

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