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01/09/2020 – CURRENT Lviv, Ukraine
Bachelor's degree holder, Tourism, department of
tourism and hotel and restaurant business. Lviv
University of Trade and Economics
Website http://www.lute.lviv.ua

Internship at the tour operator "Vidviday".
Marta Losyk Internship at a tour operator gave me the following skills:

Date of birth: 07/03/2004 1.Working with clients**: Ability to interact with clients, respond to their
requests and provide advice.
Nationality: Ukrainian
2. Organizational Skills: Ability to plan and organize travel based on
budget and client requirements.
3. Knowledge of the tourism business: Understanding the basics of the
CONTACT tourism market, trends, popular destinations and services.

 Hrabjanky street 4. Working with programs and systems: Ability to use specialized
computer programs for booking and data processing.
79053 Lviv, Ukraine (Home)
5. Intercultural Competence: The ability to effectively communicate and
[открыть контакты](см. выше в блоке «контактная информация») work with clients and partners from different cultures.

[открыть контакты](см. выше в блоке «контактная информация») Field of study Tourism and rercreation

Other language(s):

Listening B2
Spoken production B2
Reading B2
Spoken interaction B2
Writing B2


Listening B1
Spoken production A2
Reading B1
Spoken interaction A2
Writing A2

Levels: A1 and A2: Basic user; B1 and B2: Independent user; C1 and C2: Proficient

Microsoft Word Microsoft Excel Microsoft Office Zoom Skype Micros
oft Powerpoint LinkedIn

"European Heritage Days" Every year I participate in the organization of "European Heritage Days" in
Lviv as a volunteer.
European Heritage Days 9-11 September 2022, theme "Lost, Preserved, Restored"
European Heritage Days 8-10 September 2023, theme "Living Heritage"

Ambassador of "The Greatest Lesson in the World" organized by AISEC.

Volunteer at the "Days of Museums in Lviv 2023". In this project the government of Lviv helped
organize many free tours of the city's museums, where I helped organize tours

Volunteer at Nordic walking for the blind.

From the first day of the full-scale invasion of Ukraine, I was actively involved in volunteering,
helping internally displaced persons. Wove camouflage nets for soldiers and cooked food for them.

International activity
My international experience

International internship in the Republic of Bulgaria, Golden Sands, Hotel "Zora".
Project organized by Konwent Wspotpracy samorzadowej Polska-Ukrainaon "Study tours to poland"
program Polish-American Freedom Foundation administered by Leaders of Change Foundation, Borussia
Youth Exchange "Mental peaks: find your inner self through digital detox and mountains "organized by
Active Frontier Association and Youth Initiatives of Cities.

Conferences and seminars
10/11/2022 Lviv
II International Student Scientific and Practical Conference Barrier-free tourism in today's
conditions: global challenges for Ukraine and the world Delivered a report on Activities of tourist
enterprises in the conditions of war " Write here the description...

Nineteenth scientific and practical conference of students of educational institutions of consumer
cooperation of Ukraine Innovative processes and their impact on the efficiency of the enterprise "
Delivered a report on Marketing innovative technologies in the field of tourist services

02/06/2023 Lviv
International scientific and practical conference "Modern trends in the development of the
economy, entrepreneurship, technologies and their legal " Delivered a report on Innovative
marketing technologies in tourism. Internet marketingsupport"

16/11/2022 – 17/11/2022 Starobilsk
1st International Scientific and Practical Conference "Tourist and hotel and restaurant business:
current state, problems and prospects of development" Delivered a report onProblems and prospects
of tourism development in Ukraine in the conditions of the COVID-19 pandemic

08/12/2022 Lviv
X international scientific and practical Innovations in management conference assortment,
quality and safety of goods and services Delivered a report Organization of Tourist Travel V
Conditions of War on

02/06/2022 Lviv
Student scientific conference сurrent directions of economic development, entrepreneurship,
technology and their legal security Delivered a report on Modern trends in the development of the
tourism industry
02/05/2022 Lviv
Student scientific conference сurrent directions of economic development, entrepreneurship,
technology and their legal security Delivered a report on Dangerous situations during tourist trips.

The winner of the first round of the All-Ukrainian competition for student scientific works in the
specialty "Tourism" 2022-2023 mr. Topic of scientific work: "Tourist potential of Lviv region"

Workshop “New Public Management and the Rhetoric of Users - Satisfaction” organized by Opole
University of Technology (Poland) in June 2023. The workshop involved participation in the lecture
and seminars delivered by prof. Dr Said Edaich.

Honours and awards
Laureate of the Pyotr Franka Award for excellent achievements in studies, scientific work and
active social and community activities

Hobbies and interests
I have many hobbies and interests, some of them are: I’m keen on language learning, especially Enlish.
I really like attending speaking clubs with native speakers.
I have a travel bug, I can`t live witout traveling.It is extremely interesting for me to visit new countries,
learn about the culture and lifestyle of other nationalities.
In my free time I like swimming, I have been swimming for 7 years.
I also like to sing, do yoga and fitness, climb mountains, walk with friends in the evening city, etc.

Management and leadership skills
My skills:
Communication skills
Integration into team life

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