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Резюме от 24 мая 2024 Файл


Розробник PHP

48 лет
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Tarasenko Andrii
Birth date: 14.02.1976 (47years old)

NodeJS, PHP (Laravel 9, Yii2 Symfony4 Behat), Rust, Solidity
MySQL, NoSQL (MongoDb),
AWS (S3, Lambda), Docker,
Frontend (Vue.js SCSS HTML, integration with SPA: Angular Angular.js React)
Contacts: [открыть контакты](см. выше в блоке «контактная информация»)

Higher education
The National Technical University of Ukraine «Kyiv Polytechnic Institute», Electronic facility, 1992-1997

Professional Experience

Company: Rafall (US)
Duration: January 2023 – March 2023
Role: Senior Web3 (React / Solidity) Developer

Project Name: https://raffle-market.com
Project description: This POLYGON-based raffles marketplace is on the US market.
Responsibilities: Writing Google sign-in & people API & GraphQL endpoints for a set of subgraphs &
backend microservices.
Adjust react markup for the admin panel & some logic on subgraphs
(https://thegraph.com). Develop Postgresql structure for backend.
Technologies: Backend: Node.js (Nest.js) Typescript, Solidity, subgraphs, GraphQL
Frontend: react, redux

Company: StartUpSoft for ORDA (US / Nigeria)
Duration: August 2022 – February 2023
Role: Senior Laravel / Node.js Developer

Project Name: https://orda.africa
Project description: Food delivery service on Africa market.
Responsibilities: Writing REST API (Laravel) & GraphQL endpoints (Nest.js) for a set of backend
Refactor React markup & some logic. Develop MySQL structure.
Technologies: Backend: Laravel 8, Node.js (Nest.js) Typescript, geospatial, GraphQL
Frontend: react, graphQL
Company: Hero Teams (AU/US)
Duration: August 2021 – August 2022
Role: Senior Node.js Developer

Project Name: https://play.battlefly.game
Project description: This blockchain-based game is on the worldwide market.
Responsibilities: Writing REST API & GraphQL endpoints for a set of backend microservices.
Refactor React markup for the admin panel & some logic. Develop MySQL structure.
Refactor parsers for use typescript instead js, which give us a profit in server resource
usage etc
Technologies: Backend: Node.js (Nest.js) Typescript, parsers, GraphQL
Frontend: React (for admin panel only)

Company: http://teamharbour.com (US) for MyBrokerTools
Duration: August 2019 – August 2021
Role: Senior Node.js/ Fullstack Developer

Project Name: XchangePlus LLC
Project description: This site used for buying/ selling real estate on US market. Big real extate portal with huge
amount of users, various API integration, AWS
Responsibilities: Writing various parsers for getting information in html format from MLS GRID public sites
& optimize by load speed and data format compressing, writing & refactor REST API
endpoints for backend. Refactor React markup & some logic.
Refactor some datatable to use MongoDB instead MySQL. Refactor overall
database architecture to use all dictionary entities (such as regions, products, industries
and so on) like models (in separate tables) & add CRUD for him to admin panel. Refactor
REST API for SPA for use GRPC server. Refactor parsers for use node.js instead PHP,
that give us a profit in server resource usage etc
Technologies: Backend: PHP (Slim) Node.js Typescript, parsers, GRPC
Frontend: React (for admin panel also)

Company: http://sapaso.com (DE)
Duration: February 2019 – August 2019
Role: Senior PHP/ Fullstack Developer

Project Name: http://sapaso.com
Project description: This site used for tracking GYM Customers for back-payments.
Responsibilities: Refactor all database to use PostgreSQL instead MySQL. Refactor overall database
architecture to use all dictionary entities (such as regions, products, industries and so on)
like models (in separate tables) & add CRUD for him to admin panel. Refactor REST API
for SPA for use RPC server. Refactor parsers for use node.js instead PHP, that give us a
profit in server resource usage etc
Technologies: Backend: PHP (Symfony) Node.js Typescript, XML, RPC
Frontend: Angular (admin panel)
Company: http://finsight.com (New York, NY)
Duration: January 2018 – January 2019
Role: Senior PHP/ Fullstack Developer

Project Name: http://finsight.com
Project description: This site used for tracking deals on asset backed securities corporate US market. It can be
used with in or across companies, called issuers\sponsors . Using different type of
categorizer by field of industry, statistic and reports by timeline, corporate finance managers
can make decisions regarding loan processes. On a need basis, financial management can
gain visibility into history of borrower, calculate profitability and decide on the amount of
tranches and return periods of tranches.
Responsibilities: Writing various parsers for getting information in XML format from government public sites
& optimize by load speed and data format compressing, writing & refactor REST API
endpoints for backend. Refactor Vue.js markup & SPA (Angular for admin panel) services
on frontend.
Refactor all database to use PostgreSQL instead MySQL. Refactor overall database
architecture to use all dictionary entities (such as regions, products, industries and so on)
like models (in separate tables) & add CRUD for him to admin panel. Refactor REST API
for SPA for use RPC server. Refactor parsers for use node.js instead PHP, that give us a
profit in server resource usage etc
Technologies: Backend: PHP (Laravel) Node.js Typescript, XML, RPC
Frontend: Vue.js, Angular (admin panel), React + Redux

Company: http://minexcoin.com (Kyiv, Ukraine)
Duration: July 2017 – December 2017
Role: Senior PHP Developer

Project Name: http://minexcoin.com, https://minexbank.com
Project description: This system use as own company cryptocurrency & build full ecosystem around it. Strictly
speaking site used as landing page for tracking deals \ show current exchange rate and so
on. Also we develop admin panel for control servers, called nodes, for properly working
overall blockchain of this cryptocurrency & payment gates to different exchange platforms &
markets, on which we listed. Also we build large service, called MinexCoin Bank, that used for
decrease volatility of this cryptocurrency.
Responsibilities: Writing backend modules for blockchain explorer, BTC-like blockchain. Some stuff with
parity for ETH based blockchain & ERC20 tokens & Solidity smart contracts.
Writing REST API for SPA. Writing interfaces for third-party APIs & services. Use
RabbitMQ for highload modules. Refactor authorization for use JWT token authorization.
Technologies: Backend: PHP (Yii2) Node.js Typescript, Solidity, RPC, MySQL
Frontend: Angular 2\4 (HTML SCSS).
Company: http://mobipay.ua (Kyiv, Ukraine)
Duration: May 2017 – July 2017
Role: Senior PHP Developer

Project Name: http://mobipay.ua
Project description: Simple administration panel developed on native PHP (for security reasons ☺). Use
PostgreSQL as main DB, develop Restful API for mobile applications (IOS & Android).
Responsibilities: Writing backend as a set of endpoints of REST API for mobile applications .
Writing REST API for SPA. Writing interfaces for third-party APIs & services. Use RabbitMQ
for highload modules. Refactor authorization for use JWT token authorization.
Technologies: Backend: Native PHP, PostgreSQL
Frontend: material UI theme (HTML SCSS).

Company: http:// InstallMonster.ru (Kyiv, Ukraine)
Duration: December 2016 – April 2017
Role: Senior PHP Developer

Project Name: http:// InstallMonster.ru
Project description: Big administration panel developed on PHP (Yii2) used for billing of CPA program.
Heard of overall system was spam file loader, link of which was placed on file loading
resources instead of link for direct file upload.

Responsibilities: Web applications development using AJAX technology: XML, DOM, CSS, JavaScript,
jQuery, PHP (Yii1\2), MySQL.
Some stuff of system (server) programming for pre-configure executable file of loader &
pre-loader (executable for use under different OSes\ version of OSes)
Technologies: Backend: PHP (Yii 1\2) + MySQL
Frontend: CSS, JavaScript, jQuery.

Company: Binopt LLC (Kyiv, Ukraine)
Duration: December 2015 – December 2016
Role: Senior PHP Developer

Project Name: https://binopt.com
Project description: Big administration panel developed on PHP (Cohana 3.1) used for billing / control / configure
of several services & program. WYSIWYG editor for building landing pages from templates in
personal cabinet of landing page owner. All this landing pages build referral network, for lead
generation in overall system, called “playing platform” with IOS\ Android\Desktop version for
thousands customers (14k customer registrations per day).
Responsibilities: Web applications development using AJAX technology: XML, DOM, CSS, JavaScript,
jQuery, PHP (Cohana 3.1), MySQL\MariaDB.
Reengineered search data algorithm in huge tables using Sphinx & SphinxSE (engine).
Refactor lead generation procedure from Facebook & other social networks.
Build data interface between billing system and various type of online and offline (including
on-street terminal) payment system, based on XML-interface.
Refactor user private cabinet, where users can control they prepaid services set (for
internet & TV), receive they balance statement, traffic usage, etc.
Technologies: Backend: PHP (Cohana 3.1) MySQL\MariaDB
Frontend: HTML5, CSS3, DOM, JavaScript, jQuery.

Company: Astrafit Ltd (Kyiv, Ukraine)
Duration: July 2013 – December 2015
Role: Senior PHP Developer

Project Name: http://astrafit.com
Project description: Main product is “Visual Fitting Room" widget.
This plugin is installed in an online shop to help customers get accurate body measurements.
The widget utilizes our Fit Analysis algorithm to demonstrate the fit to the customer. The
plugin includes Visual Fit Experience and adaptive human-language descriptions. The
visualizations are based on the individual body parameters of each customer, and customers
receive a 2D/3D body model.
Responsibilities: Corporate applications and databases Web interfaces development, Web applications
development using AJAX technology: XML, DOM, CSS, JavaScript, jQuery, PHP, MySQL,
Linux. Open Source solutions implementation.
Developed administration panel for easy system configure &
testing: MySQL + Silex + Ajax + jQuery + Javascript (using kinetic, canvas graphic libraries
Developed Web reports graphic representation subsystem.
Technologies: Backend: PHP (Silex \ Symfony 1\2) MySQL
Frontend: HTML5, CSS3, DOM, JavaScript, jQuery, HiCharts.

Company: BEST ISP (Kyiv/ Irpen, Ukraine)
Duration: February 2010 – July 2013
Role: Middle PHP Developer

Project Name: https://best.net.ua
Project description: Regional-level Internet Service Provider with TV network. CRM & billing & control panel for
ISP network infrastructure.
Responsibilities: Storage internet traffic usage to MySQL database from data access & exchange equipment
(access servers, traffic routers etc).Build CRM system for technical support department,
later build interface for third-party tools with the same functionality.
Build data interface between billing system and various type of online and offline (including
on-street terminal) payment system, based on XML-interface.
Refactor user private cabinet, where users can control they prepaid services set (for
internet & TV), receive they balance statement, traffic usage, etc.
Technologies: Backend: PHP (Zend 1\2), MySQL
Frontend: HTML5, CSS3, DOM, JavaScript, jQuery.

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