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Резюме от 16 мая 2024 Файл



33 года

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As a Software Developer with a year of practice in Java, I
am seeking new professional opportunities. I have
experience working with both Java Core and Frameworks
(Spring, Hibernate) on a couple of projects. Also, I possess
an intermediate level of English proficiency and a technical

I have experience working in conditions of uncertainty
and adapting to changes in requirements and concepts,
as well as experience in effective project management,
including creating new projects.
DENIS KALIAKIN At my last job, I implemented a new workflow scheme for
JAVA_DEVELOPER the department, reducing department expenses by 50
percent. By creating a universally accessible product, I
optimized both work processes and expenditures.

[открыть контакты](см. выше в блоке «контактная информация») Java Developer,
Telegram: Denis_Kaliakin June 2023 - Present
[открыть контакты](см. выше в блоке «контактная информация»)
LinkedIn: Denis_Kaliakin See some of my projects at:
GitHub Online Book Store [RESTful API]
Kyiv, Ukraine GitHub Code
Ready to work remotely Technologies used: Spring Boot, Spring MVC, Spring
Ready to relocate Security, Spring Data JPA, Swagger, JWT, Liquibase,
Can work autonomously in case of Lombok, Mapstruct, MySQL, Maven, Docker
power outages
Booking service [RESTful API with payment functionality]
SKILLS GitHub Code
Technologies used: Spring Boot, Spring MVC, Spring
Spring: Spring Boot, MVC, Data Security, Spring Data JPA, Swagger, JWT, Liquibase,
JPA, Security, Testing, AOP Lombok, Mapstruct, PostgreSQL, Maven, Docker, Stripe
Java: 8, 17, Core, JWT, Lombok, API, Telegram API
DB: Hibernate, JDBC, H2, Senior Location Specialist at INTER MEDIA GROUP,
Liquibase, MySQL, PostgreSQL 2018–Feb 2022
Web Development: REST, Responsibilities:
Swagger Organization of the filming process at specific locations,
Tools: Maven, Docker, Postman, taking into account the project requirements and
Git peculiarities; control and support of the filming process.
Negotiating with location management.
IDE: IntelliJ IDEA
Interacting with government authorities and local self-
programming skills: OOP, DRY,
Knowledge of: Amazon Web Line Producer at Anebo Production Studio
Services, SDLC, Waterfall, and 2015-2017
Agile concepts (Scrum, Kanban), Provided administrative management of current
Additional: SQL, JavaScript filming projects.
(basic) Several dozen projects were shot with my participation.
English: Intermediate

Java course at Mate Academy (OOP,
Java, SQL, SOLID, Spring, Spring Institution: National Transport University of Ukraine
Boot, Hibernate, AWS) Qualification and Degree: Bachelor's jurist degree
JavaScript basic course at Mate Dates Attended 2007-2012
Books: Robert C. Martin “Clean Institution: European University
Qualification and Degree: Master's degree in Law
Code”, Martin Fowler “Refactoring”
Dates Attended 2013-2014
Course of lectures "GRASP & GoF
Design Patterns” by Sergey
Course of lectures at Virtual
10 years of musical career. Bass guitar. Several tours across
Academy about programming on Ukraine. Released several music albums and music videos
Java (2007–2017).
Starting a pub. Successful fundraising (2017).
Founding my small workshop (2012).

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