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Резюме от 23 апреля 2024 Файл


Middle Python Developer

Город проживания:
Готов работать:

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Загруженный файл

Версия для быстрого просмотра

Это резюме размещено в виде файла. Эта версия для быстрого просмотра может быть хуже, чем оригинал резюме.

•Language: Python, JS, GOLANG
•Databases: SQLite, MySQL, PostgrSQL, Redis,
•Frameworks: FastAPI, Django, DRF,
Blacksheep, SQLAlchemy , Kafka, Celery, Flask,
Docker, Elasticsearch, AIOHTTP, Langchain
•Testing tools: Unittest, Pytest, Django Test
•Develop principles: OOP, SOLID, DRY, TDD
•Version control systems: Git
•Additional: HTML, CSS, Bootstrap, jQeury, JS,
Selenium, Aiogram, Ajax, Stripe payments,


BOLOTNIKOV Have a strong knowledges with such
IVAN frameworks: FastAPI, SQLAlchemy, Django
Docker. Have commercial experience for
almost than 3 years, working in leading
companies in Ukraine, as well as as a
PYTHON ENGINEER freelancerI . And want to get an
interesting job that I like.

City: Kyiv, Ukraine
Phone: [открыть контакты](см. выше в блоке «контактная информация») : Graduated from Kiev
Telegram: @spac1x Fach College of Applied Sciences.
E-mail: [открыть контакты](см. выше в блоке «контактная информация») Faculty : Management .
Linkedin: https://bit.ly/3SyOVVn
GitHub: https://github.com/DevSpaciX
GitLab: https://gitlab.com/DevSpaciX
05.2021 – 01.2023
Time management Software Engineer
Fast learner
Can send funny mems : ) Stack: Django, Django Rest Framework,
Result oriented
Celery, JavaScript, jQeury, JS, Selenium,
Aiogram, Ajax, Stripe payments,

I am very motivated by my work, man. Responsibilities: Team leading,
Trying to become better every day.
I have been working as Python
Cooperation with customer from abroad,
developer for almost 3 years and now Architecture and Design applications,
looking for a full-time job as Middle Risk Management, Mentoring and
Python Engineer Training

ADDITIONAL INFO Achievments: Increasing income and
English B2 - C1 : EF SET Certificate
client base, Successful completion of
07.2022 – 02.2023
Software Engineer at Dzencode

Stack: Django, Django Rest Framework, FastAPI, Celery,
JavaScript, Docker

Responsibilities: Designing and developing new and
existing projects for nternal use, Developing APIs for client
applications and services, Participating in project
evaluations, Taking responsibility for one's work.

Achievments: Contribution to revenue-generating projects,
Timely resolution of critical issues, Successful
implementation of new features.

02.2023 – 02.2024
Software Engineer at Checkbox

Stack: FastAPI, BlackSheep, Celery, Kafka, React, Docker,
Elasticsearch, Aiohttp, Kubernetes, AWS S3 Bucket, Redis,

Responsibilities: Integration of microservices as well as
collaboration with the State Tax Service System (STSS)
APIs, as well as major business players such as : Foxtrot,
MOYO, KFC etc, Performance optimization and scalability,
Collaboration with cross-functional teams, Integration with
AWS systems.

Achievments: My functionality became part of the top most
important and needed projects throughout the year, Fixed
a critical bug that was slowing down the project,
Integrated and proposed solutions that significantly
accelerated interaction with databases.

02.2024 - Till now
Software Engineer at Gart Technology

Stack: FastAPI, Celery, Docker, Elasticsearch, Httpx,
Langchain, Sentry, Pyrogram.

Responsibilities: Collaborate with cross-functional teams to
understand project requirements and objectives, Develop
and implement Python-based solutions, leveraging your
expertise in NLP and Large Language Models (LLM), Create
and maintain detailed documentation of code, algorithms,
and models

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