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Резюме от 16 апреля 2024 Файл


Менеджер з продажу

29 лет

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Logistics Manager / Truck Dispatcher
[открыть контакты](см. выше в блоке «контактная информация»)

Truck Dispatcher with experience in Customer Service. Looking to work in a fast paced environment.
Capable of building rapport with internal and external parties in order to accurately represent the

• Microsoft Excel

• Time-management

• Loadboard

• Invoicing

• Market Analysis

• Customer Service


Logistic Company, Kyiv, Ukraine - Analytic

June 2019 - December 2021


University of shipbuilding - Mykolaiv, Ukraine

Technical Protection of Information

September 2012 - February 2018

Pro Dispatch School, Online - Diploma

September 2022 - November 2022

Comprehensive ten module course about the logistics industry and truck dispatching. Modules included
information on route planning, invoicing, market analysis, problem solving, con ict resolution, etc.

Time management

I am a very responsible person whom everyone can rely on. I can manage my time easily. I know what
resources to use in order to keep up with everything. At my last job, they gave me all the most important
work in a short period of time, because they were sure that I would do everything easily. For my future
work as a dispatcher, such a skill is de nitely necessary, clients must feel in good hands and completely
entrust their schedule to me.

Problem Solving

Solving problems is an adventure for me. I never dismiss problems, I always try to understand the cause
and solve it. There are people who believe that it is better not to do the job than to x the aws and gure
it out. Once I worked as a social media manager and a page on the social network contacted me asking for
help and recruiting a new audience. I found the problem, realised what was wrong in the posts and in the
presentation of information, solved this problem and returned the page with an active audience. In future
work, such a skill will de nitely necessary, because I can analyse my work, and if something goes wrong,
then solve these problems.

Stress resistance

I'm de nitely stress resistant. Bring me to negative emotions or stress - you still have to try. I am con dent
in my actions, in my work, and if something goes wrong, then I can nd the cause and solve the problem.
It's a skill I've de nitely picked up from all my jobs, when I worked with di erent people, when people
tried to be the best at my expense. I am sure that they have made me better so that I can adequately react
to changes in my schedule or market at the moment.

Ability to work with loadboards

This is my skill that will de nitely come in handy in the work of a dispatcher. Since I was completing a
professional niche course on working as a dispatcher, we actively analysed this. I will be able to quickly
nd brokers, nd common contact with them, be polite, analyse the market, the cost of load in a particular
state and give the driver a correctly calculated direction.

Understanding of HOS

In the course of dispatchers, which lasted 2 months, as you can see from my resume, we learned to
understand the hours of service. I clearly know the standards, I understand how many hours the driver
must be at work, rest. Know the exact length of rest breaks to ensure that the driver is fresh.

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