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Резюме от 26 мая 2024 Файл


Event manager (marketing, production, B2B, B2C, communications)

28 лет
Город проживания:
Готов работать:
Киев, Удаленно

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Indychenko Viktoria

Account Manager (event, marketing,
production, B2B and B2C
Full-time, part-time employment

Age: 27 years
Location: Kyiv, Ukraine

Contact Information
Phone number: [открыть контакты](см. выше в блоке «контактная информация»)
E-mail: [открыть контакты](см. выше в блоке «контактная информация»)

Work Experience
Account Executive Manager
09.2022 - now
Company: Eye Comms Agency
Field of activity: Marketing Communications
Location: Kyiv, Ukraine
1. Management of projects from the moment of receipt of tenders to the signing of the contract
and corresponding reporting;
2. Organization and holding of corporate and marketing events of various scales (from 5
corporate gifts to a large-scale online event for 3,000 people);
3. Management of processes from the initial project concept to its successful implementation
and completion;
4. Management of contractual relations - drawing up and control of execution - pricing,
contracts, calculations;
5. Effective written and oral communication to achieve goals and resolve issues in the field of
correct business communication;
6. Development of presentations, commercial proposals for clients;
7. Coordination of projects offline at locations and online by means of remote communication;
8. Management of contractors and the team during the preparation of events.
9. Work with MS Office, established base of contractors and clients and Google search.

Project Manager
02.2021 - 09.2022
Company: Eye Comms Agency
Field of activity: Marketing Communications
Location: Kyiv, Ukraine
1. Support of Account manager in the planning, organization and implementation of events;
2. Assistance in working with customers and suppliers;
3. Participation in the creation of ideas and concepts for events;
4. Execution of various operational tasks within the framework of events;
5. Search for contractors for cooperation within the framework of a specific task;
6. Search and selection of locations according to the conditions of the event;
7. Working with production positions, briefing contractors to create high-quality branded
products, control of order fulfillment;
8. Creation of a commercial offer for the client based on his wishes;
9. Work with MS Office and Google search.

Project Manager
05.2020 - 01.2021
Company: 8 Color
Field of activity: Advertising
Location: Kyiv, Ukraine
1. Coordinate the work of contractors, appoint and agree with the client the date and time of
2. Receive and process requests from the Account Manager;
3. Make calculations of the cost of work on the basis of the technical specification from the
Account Manager;
4. Prepare work visualization for contractors;
5. Prepare and issue technical specification for work for contractors;
6. Accept photo and video reports on the work done from contractors, approve and make
corrections to the work.
7. Monitor the receipt of payment by contractors;
8. Work with MS Office, G-Suite (Google), Google Docs.

Account manager
06.2019 - 05.2020
Company: Smart Media Solution
Field of activity: Trading
Location: Kyiv, Ukraine
1. Attracting new customers and analyzing their activities;
2. Negotiating and obtaining the necessary contact information;
3. Writing scripts for communication;
4. Work with incoming requests;
5. Implementation of KPI`s and goals, providing regular reports to the head of department.

Linkbuilder/SEO Assistant
02.2018 - 05.2019
Company: JBW Soft
Field of activity: IT
Location: Kyiv, Ukraine
1. Daily link-building activities
2. Identify, develop and maintain link-building best practices
3. Find and analyze blogs and websites for link-building opportunities
4. Outreach and guest posting
5. Working with tools: Ahrefs, Semrush (analyze competitors and their backlinks), Screaming
Frog (site analyze and bugs fixing), Xenu (finding "broken" links)
6. Preparation of technical specifications for webmasters and verification of its implementation

2013 - 2018
Speciality: Psychology
Field of activity: Business

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