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Резюме от 22 мая 2024 Файл


Java developer

19 лет
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Vladyslav PROFILE

Bondariev Inquisitive Java Developer with advanced English
proficiency looking for new professional opportunities.
JAVA DEVELOPER Got experience in working both with Java Core &
Frameworks (Spring, Hibernate). Well familiar with OOP
fundamentals. Have a “Get things optimized, super
simplified and done”, leadership and confident mindset.
Experienced both leader/ruler and subordinate
situations. Self-critical, supportive, demanding (to
myself first), ready to learn, listen and hear. Being
communicative and inquisitive, I can help other people
solve their problems and get answers to my own.

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[открыть контакты](см. выше в блоке «контактная информация»)
Self-employed Java Developer
Dnipro, Ukraine/ remote/ 09/2023 – present
relocate Technologies: Spring MVC, Spring Security, Spring
JV_bond Data, Hibernate, Servlet API, H2, JSTL, MySQL.
See some of my projects on:
Vladyslav Bondariev
VdBondarev Online Book Store Application (A Java-based
application that lets you enjoy a simple and fast service
while picking your favourite books to buy and read).
Online Car Sharing Application (A Java-based
SKILLS application that provides you with super simple service
to interact for renting cars).
Java: Java 8, Java Core, Collections,
OOP, SOLID, AOP Both Car Sharing and Book Store applications interact
with Stripe API to make payments and Telegram API to
DB: Hibernate, JDBC, MySQL, Spring create a telegram bot for notifying admins (or
Data JPA managers) about important actions happening during
runtime. Also, these applications use such powerful
Spring: Spring Core, Spring Web,
libraries as: Mapstruct, Lombok etc. The applications
Spring Security, Spring Data
have Docker support for running them from anywhere
Web Development: Servlet, JSP, you want and stick to the principle "Write Once, Run
Tomcat, HTML, CSS, XML Anywhere". A custom exception handler is implemented
for better comprehension of mistakes you may face. And
English: Advanced one of the most important and interesting things –
security, that contains authorization, authentication,
Tools: JUnit, Maven public endpoints for users (even those not
authenticated), JWT support. The applications have
Algorithms: Solved about 700 katas
swagger documentation.
on CodeWars
Knowledge of SDLC, Waterfall, Agile Building Java-based applications using Spring Boot,
concepts (Scrum, Kanban) Hibernate, Docker.
Docker, Postman Designing unique architecture for projects.
Testing web-based applications.
Operating systems: macOs, Linux Deployment of projects to some services (like Amazon
(Ubuntu) Web Services).
Making suitable documentation for projects.
IDE: IntelliJ IDEA

Version Control Tools: Git

Java English
Wrote my first application after 3 Advanced
month of learning Java
English Native
Learned English on my own (without
any tutors or outside help, mostly by
watching series and talking to other EDUCATION
English-speaking people)
Major - Logistician
Intellect Ukrainian State University of Science and Technologies
Won a chess competition among all the 2022 – 2022 – up to 2026 | Dnipro
pupils of my school (being 10 years old)
Passed the after-school history exam Java Course
(In Ukraine called NMT) and got the Mate Academy
best possible result (200 out of 200 OOP, AOP, JAVA 8+, Hibernate, Spring.
possible, the first one ever in my school
to achieve this) CodeWars
About 700 Kata completed
Was a volunteer at the beginning of the Advanced Java Course
war in Ukraine Udemy

Bruce Eckel “Thinking in Java”

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