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Резюме от 27 мая 2024 Файл


Front-end програміст

44 года
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Dmytro Dovbeshko
Senior Frontend (Angular) Developer
10+ years of experience

Contact information:
Phone: [открыть контакты](см. выше в блоке «контактная информация»)

Telegram/Viber: [открыть контакты](см. выше в блоке «контактная информация»)

Email: [открыть контакты](см. выше в блоке «контактная информация»)

Skype Id: dovbeshkod

LinkedIn: [открыть контакты](см. выше в блоке «контактная информация»)

Address: Fort Noks Orchid, A4

Location: Sunny Beach, Bulgaria

● Angular Development
● Web Development
● Team Leadership
● Project Management
● User Interface (UI) Design
● Responsive Design
● Cross-Browser Compatibility

● Angular (11v, familiar with the features of the latest versions), Angular Material, RxJs, NgRx, GraphQL, Git
● JavaScript, Typescript, AJAX, REST API
● HTML5, CSS3, SCSS, Bootstrap

● Team Leadership
● Frontend Development
● Project planning and Execution
● Code Review
● Mentorship and Conducting Interview
● Angular Best Practices
● Performance Optimization

With 10+ years of commercial experience as Frontend Developer and 7 years as Angular Developer, I bring a wealth
of expertise in developing dynamic and responsive user interfaces.
I proficient in a diverse range of technologies including JavaScript, Angular, Angular Material, TypeScript, ES6, NgRx,
RxJs, AngularJs, REST API, GraphQL, Git, HTML, Bootstrap, CSS, SCSS, and LESS.
I have successfully contributed to the development of cutting-edge applications. My passion for clean and efficient
code, coupled with a keen eye for design, allows me to create seamless and visually appealing user experiences.
Technical capabilities
Programming Languages: Proficient in JavaScript (ES6+), HTML5, CSS3, SCSS or LESS) - 10 years

Frontend Angular, RxJs, NgRx, Bootstrap – 7 years; JQuery – 3 years;
Frameworks/Libraries: AngularJs – 1 year
Responsive Ability to create responsive and mobile-friendly web interfaces
Version Control Systems: GIT – 7 years, SVN -1 year

CSS Frameworks: Familiar with Bootstrap, Material UI, Tailwind

Browser Developer Tools: Ability to effectively use browser developer tools for debugging and performance
Cross-Browser Compatibility: Knowledge of ensuring compatibility across various browsers and devices

Continuous Integration Experience with CI/CD pipelines for automated testing and deployment
Continuous Deployment:

API Integration: Experience integrating with RESTful APIs and understanding of AJAX techniques

1997 – 2003 Kyiv Polytechnic Institute (KPI)

Master’s degree, Publishing and Printing faculty

Role: “Infopulse”, Frontend Team-lead, November 2020 to current

Technologies: TypeScript, Angular, NgRx, RxJs, Angular Material, JavaScript, GraphQL, Git, ES6,
Azure DevOps, AWS, REST API, HTML, Bootstrap, CSS, SCSS, LESS

Description: Web application that allows client(company) to choose a candidate (audit company) and
succession planning of it, according to the legislation.
Responsibilities: ● Analyzed business requirements, participated in technical design and development of
various modules assigned.
● Interact with other developers and end users to design and implement new features
throughout the framework.
● Designed and implemented the User Interface using TypeScript, HTML5, CSS3.
● Developed certain features of the application functionality i.e. CRUD (Create, read,
update, delete) features using Responsive Design.
● Worked with business analysts to understand their business models and goals.
● Rewrote modules to Angular 11.
● Created POC for presentation and validation of the working capacity of the functionality.
● Optimized performance of the application.
● Task estimation.
● Code review.
● Conducted interviews with newcomers.
Role “Infopulse”, Senior Frontend Developer, 04/2016 to 09/2020

Technologies TypeScript, Angular, NgRx, RxJs, Angular Material, JavaScript, Git, ES6, Azure DevOps,
Description Web application that allows client(company) to choose a candidate (audit company) and
succession planning of it, according to the legislation.
Responsibilities: ● UI development with technologies like HTML 5, Angular and Angular Material.
● Built web pages that are more user-interactive adding Drag and Drop, AutoComplete,
AJAX, JSON, Angular Material, D3, and Bootstrap.
● Worked on creating REST web services and integration of REST API’s.

● Worked with CSS3 and Bootstrap to create responsive web designs for multiple

● Created animation effects during the data load, waiting for the Ajax response using
Angular Animation.

● Debugging using firebug and web developer tools on Chrome, Firefox and Internet

Role: “Ukrainian Dynamic System”, Frontend Developer, 03/2015 to 04/2016

Technologies: JavaScript, AngularJs, HTML, LESS, Gulp, Git

Description: Development of an application for tenants' interaction with the management company and
provision of reservations for certain services
Responsibilities: ● Used AngularJs framework for building web-apps.

● Extensively worked on RESTful web services.

● Resolved the issues for the pages with low traffic and high load time.

● Developed an application, added markup and styling according to design.

● Developed CSS3 style sheets to give gradient effects. Developed page layouts,
navigation and icons

Role: “Phoenix”, Frontend Developer, 04/2014 to 03/2015

Technologies: JavaScript, ExtJs, JQuery, JQuery UI, HTML, LESS, SVN

Description: Development of application for investment

Responsibilities: ● Used ExtJs for creating parts of the application.

● Resolved the issues for the pages with low traffic and high load time.

● Developed modules, added markup and styling according to parallax effect.

● Developed CSS3 style sheets to give gradient effects. Developed page layouts,
navigation and icons.

● Added Adaptive design for different devices
Role: “YARCHE” Digital Agency, HTML-Coder, Frontend developer, 04/2013 to 04/2014

Technologies: JavaScript, ExtJs, JQuery, JQuery UI, HTML 4/5, CSS 2/3, SVN

Description: Development of websites according to requirements

Responsibilities: ● Used JQuery library to create dynamic websites.

● Created markup and styling according to mockups.

● Add sprites for better performance of sites.

● Developed an application, added markup and styling according to design.

● Added Responsive design for better visualization

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