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Резюме от 21 апреля 2024 Файл


Frontend developer

33 года
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Загруженный файл

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About Me
I am a Junior Front-end Developer, at first it was as a hobby, but
then I decided to completely move into this field and am
constantly learning new technologies. At this stage, I know HTML,
SASS, CSS, and in the process of learning JS, I did several works.

Project Experience
Creative thinker Link [HTML5, SCSS, JS]
Independent work, customizing the page for all extensions,
dynamically changing content.
Independent project development, website layout, adaptability,
Junior Front-end Developer burger menu, small content animation, made a slider, animation
when moving the mouse, dynamic changes in content and pages
when the screen width changes.
[открыть контакты](см. выше в блоке «контактная информация») Focus.Frame Link [HTML5, CSS3, JS]

[открыть контакты](см. выше в блоке «контактная информация») Team work on the project, adaptive layout,
Role: Team lead
I was engaged in code analysis, corrections, branch merging,
GitHub animation and partial stylization.
Work experience
Nikopol, Ukraine
GoITeens / 2022 - 2024
Now I work as a call center manager
Tech Skills WELD-PRO Poland
CSS3 Production Master / 2021 - 2022
Foreman of a team of 5 to 10 people
Analysis and organization of work
Sass Construction of metal structures and pipelines
Proposed ideas that accelerated the construction process,
JavaScript resulting in completion within a week of the planned deadline.

Monter мetal structures / 2019 - 2021
Work in high-rise buildings
GIT Work in industrial production with increased fire hazard
Prevention of explosion hazards in the enterprise, trained people
React in the techniques of work in the enterprise, which improved and
accelerated the work process.
Soft Skills
Team work Education
Communicative 2023-2024
IT School GoIT Fullstack Developer
Honest HTML5, CSS3, JS, REST API, GIT, React, Node.js

Organized 2021-2023
IT Freelancer LifeStyle Markup Developer
Flexible HTML5, CSS3, SASS, JS
Languages IT School CSO Netology-groups Basics of HTML and CSS
English - beginner
Ukrainian - native Nikopol Professional Lyceum
studied by direction fittings installer, concrete worker,
Polish - intermediate electric welder.

Другие резюме этого кандидата

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