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Резюме от 31 мая 2024 Файл


Front-end програміст

29 лет
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F R O N T - E N D D E V E L O P E R


I am a front-end developer with over 1 year of web
[открыть контакты](см. выше в блоке «контактная информация») development experience, specializing in HTML/SASS,
JavaScript, React, TS, Redux-Toolkit. My technical
Telegram knowledge is complemented by five years of experience as
an engineer in a private oil company, where I gained valuable
[открыть контакты](см. выше в блоке «контактная информация»)
insight into problem-solving and project management. With
an intermediate level of English proficiency and 2 years of
experience as manager, I have strong communication and
GitHub collaboration skills, making me a versatile asset in both
technical and team environments. My diverse background
Lutsk, Ukraine, remote allows me to bring a unique perspective to development
projects, providing innovative solutions and effective
project management. I independently developed all the
SKILLS projects, without the need for mentorship, showcasing my
ability to learn and adopt new technologies autonomously.
React, Redux Toolkit
Throughout the pandemic, I successfully transitioned to
HTML5, CSS3, Sass (SCSS), remote work, consistently maintaining high levels of
productivity and the quality of my work. This experience has
equipped me with valuable skills and insights into remote
TS, JavaScript (ES2015— work practices and their effectiveness.
Fetch, REST API, Axios.

Figma, Canva. Frontend Developer
Git/GitHub, Chrome Developer Implementation of single-page responsive webpages
based on Figma layout design.
Tools (incl. React), NPM, Creating web applications based on existing scenarios
Webpack, Gulp. using HTML, CSS/SASS, and JavaScript.
Build React applications according to a given Figma
Basic OOP understanding. layout design. Using State manager (Redux).
Jira, Confluence. Basic knowledge experienced in backend development,
leveraging WordPress and JavaScript.
Knowledge of SDLC, Waterfall, Foundational understanding of deploying a project for
production use.
and Agile concepts (Scrum,
Working with remote repositories using Git/GitHub,
Kanban). performing code reviews, and fixing bugs.

English: Pre-Intermediate. Projects: Portfolio, TS Pizza, Shop Car, Grafbase-project,
EDUCATION Design engineer at AgroBuild(2018-2019)

National Aerospace University Mandrel production to reduce production costs
«Kharkiv Aviation Institute», Calculation of the cost of manufacturing parts at the
2012–2018 customer's production site (US market).
Support of production of products in production.
●Bachelor’s degree in “Design and
development of composite Design engineer at Vertical(2019-2022)
structures”. The professional
qualification is “Design engineer, Participation and analysis of the results of various
process engineer”. technical tests.
●Master's degree in “Design and Calculation, layout, modeling support of innovative
development of composite
creative solutions.
structures”. The professional
Model design at the customer's request.
qualification is “Research engineer”.
Reducing cost and product life cycle time.
Production of equipment to reduce the cost of
Courses & Platforms:
Selection and adjustment of equipment, writing
●Frontend course at Skill Up (Git,
HTML, CSS, JavaScript, Typescript, instructions, start-up in production.
React, Web). Scrum to reduce manufacturing costs + increase
●Online resources: Reactjs.org, production throughput.
TypeScript Handbook, MDN Web Launch of a new production line.
Docs, W3School, Javascript.info. Writing technical maps for the production of parts.
●LinkedIn (Front-End Development
Support of production of products in production.
assessment, HTML, Cascading Style
Production manager 3 months.
Sheets (CSS), React.js).

Territorial manager of ETA(2022-2024)

Search and attraction of new customers in the Volyn
Preparation of commercial offers to increase sales.
Confirmation of customer orders, support for order
Tracking the balance of goods in the warehouse.
Customer consultations.

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