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Резюме от 23 апреля 2024 Файл


Програміст Golang

49 лет
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Alexey Sidnenkov
LinkedIn: [открыть контакты](см. выше в блоке «контактная информация») E-mail: [открыть контакты](см. выше в блоке «контактная информация»)

General Information

● More than 20 years of professional software development experience
● Strong knowledge and wide experience of backend/frontend development with Java,
Delphi (v.6.0, v.7.0), VB, AutoLISP, JavaScript, MSSQL, MySQL, PostgreSQL
● Have experience working with C# (Unity), C/C++ (Qt), Python, PHP, ActionScript,
● Extensive experience in UI/UX using Delphi (1.0-7.0) for Windows applications,
JavaScript, HTML/HTML5 for web applications
● Backend services with Java (maven+spring+RabbitMQ microservice architecture);
● Docker, docker-compose
● Proponent of Unit Testing, code reviews, code consistency, following standards and
best practices
● Strong problem-solving skills
● Goal oriented
● Strong interpersonal and communication skills

Areas of Experience:
● Software engineering, Complete Project Lifecycle, Agile/SCRUM
● Software architecture
● DB design, implementation, optimization and extensibility
● Leadership: Team lead, mentoring team members

Computer Languages:
ASM, Delphi, Java, JavaScript, TypeScript, C, C++, C#, Python, Golang, Rust, Solidity, HTML,

MS Office, VS Code, RocksDB, Redis, RabbitMQ, Docker

English: Efficiently comprehend technical documentation, progressing from level A1 to B1
Ukrainian: Native
Russian: Native

Work Experience
INC4, October 2022 – August 2023
Software Engineer
Member of the core team responsible for supporting and developing Open Ethereum-based
blockchain Explorer, including a Collector (implemented in C++, Golang) and API-Server
(implemented in Golang) with RocksDB.
This involved developing and implementing statistics collection in Golang for validity proof of
the explorer's state. Additionally, I worked on various tasks in JavaScript/TypeScript, such as
modifying Node installations, updating previous versions of the explorer to enable data
export, and creating a faucet for tweeted messages.

InfiniSoft, Ukraine, September 2021 - August 2022
Software Engineer
Antifraud project: A system for collecting and processing information from internal or
external sources to enrich data on existing or potential bank customers (individuals or
legal entities).
The system is based on Java+maven+spring microservice architecture using RabbitMQ
queue broker. It has the following features:
- Collection of data from internal or external sources into the database;
- Enrichment of customer data, including the addition of certain markers, depending on
the type of information loaded;
- Monitoring of clients by bank employees, based on certain rules for controlling markers;
- Online searching for clients and obtaining summary information about this one.

My participation in the project:
- Scheduler service. Allows to schedule a number of tasks (RabbitMQ messages for
other services). Scheduler information loaded from DB table, static file or requested from
another service via Scheduler.init exchange.

- Downloader service. Gets the name of the source and checks if updates are needed,
downloads data files (for external sources only) and sends a message to the Importer
Has some methods for processing data:
1) Direct check/transfer existing files to Importer service;
2) Lookup resources information from wrapper service, checking, downloading if
needed and transfer files to the Importer service;
3) Dump resources from Wrapper service for manual analysis.

- Importer service. Loads data from stored files into DB:
1) Pipeline. Array of graph nodes that represents importing process stages, stored as
JSON in pipelineInfo field of import_source DB table. After downloading, topology sort
executed (circle links detected there for execution impossibility). Pipeline nodes can
emulate a stream of values. Every ready node handles only dependent nodes without
switching to possible parallel branches;
2) The Importer checks the target table for fields and conversion methods. The
optimal batch size is near 16384, but can be changed in application properties, or
pipeline node limits field. The total time of importing 10 000 000 records for invalid
passports resource is close to 5 minutes on average PC;
3) CSV, JSON, XML, XLSX parsers;
4) Statistics collection for data files.

- Wrapper service. Python program for emulating data.gov.ua API. It tries accessing
data.gov.ua first. If connection or resources aren’t found, the service generates API
results from the preloaded files.

- Other tools and utilities.
Archmetalproject, Kyiv, Ukraine, June 2005 - Present
Engineer-designer of metal structures
Most significant projects of my participation in the development:
● Shopping and entertainment center (SEC) “DreamTown”. Initial drawings, design of
structural fragments (including adaptation for aquapark, including full check of load
bearing capacity for existing columns, strengthening for placement water filter tanks, full
design of big wave swim pool);
● SEC “COSMO Multimall” (BOLSHEVIK).Drawings and designing some cinemas;
● SEC “Kyiv City Mall”. Complete design, structural analysis and drawings;
SEC “Ocean Plaza”. Design, drawings, consulting and structural analysis of local
bridges: 3-level pedestrian bridge and 1-level road bridge into parking garage.

At this time, I designed some programs for simplification calculations or decor:
● AutoLISP: tools for automatic calculations of detailed specification for steel or concrete
elements, height interpolation for any point at map area with isolines, Transform section
properties into Excel (more then autoCAD can provide using internal commands);
● Excel(VB): partial calculation of construction joints, beam and column testing after
obtaining results from SCAD, prediction of forces and displacements in continuous beams
under different loads;
● Other tools.

Tetracon (IT-group), Kyiv, Ukraine, October 2020 - July 2021

Senior Software Engineer, Software Architect
WackyDigger project: A pilot 2D-game project using Unity, part-time employment;
- Resource bundle downloading for different settings (platform, resolution, language,
etc), patches and extensions;
- Game programming;
- GLSL shaders, shader-graphs.

Integrity, Kyiv, Ukraine, March 2020 - May 2020
Front-end Software Engineer
IBM Content Navigator extensions (Dojo).
- Special classes development for result set control;
- Some dialogs, for extending base functionality;
- ICN-features.

Tetracon (it-group), Kyiv, Ukraine, October 2020 - July 2021
Senior Software Engineer
DICOM adaptation project (Qt):
- Rebuild available sources for Qt;
- Image formats appending;
- Adaptation erroneous DICOM files (x-ray) to normal DICOM format;
- Program interface (without QML).

Blitz-Inform, Kyiv, Ukraine, April 1995 - 2005
Senior Software Engineer (Delphi), Software Architect
Retail management system:
- Registration of orders;
- Creation of all necessary documents;
- Order for production.
Delivery management system:
- Delivery graph (stores, transports, shipment points);
- Searching available delivery methods by an address.
Self education:
- ASM 80386 architecture.

Kvasar-micro, Kyiv, Ukraine, March 1995 - April 1995
Software Engineer (Delphi 1.0/2.0)

Infopolice & Marketing, Kyiv, Ukraine, 1994 - March 1995
Software Engineer (BP for Windows)

Radar (Communist), Kyiv, Ukraine, August 1991 - June 1992
Сommunication Engineer, Software Engineer (Pascal)
- Phone book design;
- Deep learning of ASM for 80286 to compare with ASM for 8088, 8086, Z80 and
- Designing resident programs;
- Understanding the mechanism of how sound is produced on PC speakers, designing an
original algorithm for 4-channel audio output to PC speakers.

Ukrniipsk, Kyiv, Ukraine, 1989-1990

Software Engineer (Pascal)
- Design a simple windowed interface in text mode with frame (symbols) and input
control (It is still used in demand of some programs such as Paket, Park);
- Graphic utilities, including numeric symbols plot.

National Polytechnic University of Ukraine (KPI) 1992 - 1998, Kiev, Ukraine
MS, Electrical Engineering/Computer Science.

- Programming in my free time for fun and self education:
- DIGGER (JS): https://s5.yakubets.com/d/
- Animals for Kids (Android), and other small projects
- OpenGL
- Everything I can learn to achieve optimal and original solutions to problems
- Music: Guitar, Harmonica;

- Work on complex, non-typical projects;
- Learn to speak English fluently;
- Improve skills playing the harmonica;
- Find new friends at work and by interests.

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