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Резюме от 7 мая 2024 Файл


Front-end програміст

25 лет

Контактная информация

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Загруженный файл

Версия для быстрого просмотра

Это резюме размещено в виде файла. Эта версия для быстрого просмотра может быть хуже, чем оригинал резюме.

Senior Full stack developer

SKILLS Goldavenue 7 months

PROGRAMMING LANGUAGES NextJs, Context, React Query, custom components & hooks
Big project. Worked by 1 of 4 senior frontend developers. NextJs,
- JavaScript, TypeScript - 5 years
context, react query, a lot of backend data, live updates, google
- Node, ExpressJs, NestJs - 1.5 years
robots, analytics etc. Developing and task’s implementation,
FRAMEWORKS & LIBRARIES discussing and clarification of project requirements
- React 18, NextJs 13 for SSR, Zustand, Redux
Ridotto & Nakapad 12 months
- Vue 3, NuxtJs 3 for SSR, Vuex, Pinia
- Tailwind, Bootstrap, JQuery. SASS NextJs, Zustand, Wagmi, Viem &. NuxtJs, Vuex, Web3Js
- web3Js / wagmi, viem Two blockchain projects on different technologies but with
web3 integration. Smart contracts, crypto wallets, multi chains,
TECHNOLOGIES & DATABASES chain’s bridge, personal accounts, referral system. As Senior
- MongoDb, MySQL, Airtable, AWS frontend programmer and team of 14 members

InsurePaws 3.5 months
Upper Intermediate
NuxtJs, Pinia, Strapi, NodeJs, ExpressJs, Airtable
Multilingual site for Tai insurance company. Fully developed by
me. A lot of custom components, hooks. Integrated Stripe
CONTACT payment system, backend PDF creator and auto email sending.
Mobile ready, speed and SEO optimised
[открыть контакты](см. выше в блоке «контактная информация») Fragnova 1 month

Email React, Tailwind, custom Parallax effects
[открыть контакты](см. выше в блоке «контактная информация») Static React project for game studio. With ready design
developed only for 1 month with a lot of parallax effects,
Profiles animations and custom inputs
Telegram GitHub Linkedin

Location Ourklyk 6 months
Сhernivtsi, Ukraine NextJs, Redux, Redux-saga, ChartJs, Sass, Docker
Worked as solo middle frontend developer for support and
update website. Developed a lot of pages with backend data,
charts; User profile, blog and dynamic data pages. Also worked
EDUCATION with python backend in Docker.
Chernivtsi Industrial college Measureme / Start up 7 months
2014-2018 NextJs, Zustand, React Query, NestJs, MongoDb
COMPUTER SCIENCE Leading Solution ​for Data-Driven Psychology: ​provides a full
psychometric lifecycle from data collection to analysis with all
Chernivtsi National University
available worldwide forms and additional metrics that
psychotherapists find important to measure (NPS, ​ARRR etc.)

In 5 years of working as a front-end developer, I have
developed/worked on more than 10 two-month projects. Over
600 Scrum tasks and 25 different projects. For more information
check my GH and contact me.

Похожие кандидаты

Front-End Developer

Front-end програміст
Черновцы, Удаленно

Frontend Developer (HTML, CSS, JavaScript, TypeScript, React)
Черновцы, Ивано-Франковск , еще 6 городов

Front-end developer

Front-end developer
25000 грн, Черновцы

Frontend, Full stack developer
60000 грн, Черновцы, Киев , еще 3 города

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