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Резюме от 27 мая 2024 Файл


Internet marketing manager, Marketer (Trainee, Junior)

18 лет
Город проживания:
Готов работать:
Житомир, Удаленно

Контактная информация

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64 Knyaz Ostrozki Hardworking college student seeking employment. Adept in various social media
Zhytomyr, 10012 platforms and office technology programs. Bilingual, hardworking, and ready to join my
Ukraine drea team.
[открыть контакты](см. выше в блоке «контактная информация») EMPLOYMENT HISTORY
Date of birth Public catering (WOK Kitchener) at Panda Banda, Zhytomyr
10.01.2006 February 2024 — March 2024
Nationality I had a little experience working in catering, which did not give me pleasure because I
Ukrainian understood that I would only degrade at this job. But during this short period of time, I
realized for myself that I want to find a job that will bring me pleasure, and not constant
Driving license

Sales Manager (Internship) at Legion Marketing, Remotely
April 2024 — April 2024
Completed an internship as a sales manager, the purpose of which was to conduct
interviews with entrepreneurs and find out their "pains" in the field of advertising and
SKILLS customers. but did not pass by character, but studied almost all the basic terminology of
Ability to Work in a Team marketing by type (context, target, cmm, seo, remarketing, retargeting, we even touched
on the contextual media grid a little). I am very grateful to the entire company for the
Fast Learner knowledge provided, and this gave me push to search and learn further.
Communication Skills

Problem Solving Skills
Complete general average, Zhytomyr Municipal Lyceum No.23 im. M.Y.Ocereta,
Excellent Communication Skills September 2012 — June 2023

Strong Organizational Skills Graduated from the full 11 classes at the Zhytomyr Lyceum, with an emphasis on the
English language, where he fell in love with it.
Advanced Computer System Skills

Multitasking Skills Bachelor, Zhytomyr Polytechnic University, Zhytomyr
September 2023 — September 2027
HOBBIES I’m studying at the Zhytomyr Polytechnic University, majoring in Marketing 075, I don’t
Sport regret choosing this specialty, I want to develop in it and learn new aspects.
Analytical thinking
LANGUAGES Ability to analyze data about the market, consumers, competitors and the effectiveness
English of marketing campaigns.

Ukrainian Knowledge of graphics programs
Polish Having become familiar with graphics programs such as Canva, I often had to create
designs for some school and university projects.
Adaptability and learning ability
Able to analyze market trends, consumer behavior and marketing campaign results to
identify opportunities and improve strategies

Presentation skills
I am able to clearly and convincingly present ideas and results of my work to colleagues.

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