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Резюме от 1 мая 2024 Файл


Full stack software engineer

43 года
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Dmytro [открыть контакты](см. выше в блоке «контактная информация»)
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Pasenko [открыть контакты](см. выше в блоке «контактная информация»)
Senior Software Engineer
with 18 years of experience

Senior Software Engineer with MEV, LLC (Ukraine) | Dec 2019 - Apr 2024
comprehensive expertise in full-stack Software Engineer
development, project leadership, and Led the development of web application front-ends with ReactJS, Redux,
a commitment to innovation and MobX, and Material-UI, focusing on crafting interfaces that are both
excellence. responsive and intuitive for users
Developed and maintained back-end services utilising NodeJS
(Koa.js/NestJS), focusing on scalability, security, and performance
HARD SKILLS optimisation.
Engineered a WebSocket Gateway microservice in NestJS, facilitating
Languages: JavaScript, TypeScript
real-time data exchange and enhancing application scalability.
Frontend: ReactJS, Redux, Mobx, MUI
Contributed to the development of an NFT marketplace for the CELO
Backend: Node.js(NestJS)
and Polygon networks, integrating blockchain technology for secure
Databases: MongoDB, MySQL, Neo4j
and transparent transactions.
Blockchain: Solidity, OpenZeppelin,
Configured AWS services, including SNS for triggering Lambda functions,
Web3.js, Ether.js
and authored Lambda functions to add records to Aurora databases for
reporting purposes.
Testing: Jest, React Testing Library
Utilized Terraform to provision and manage Aurora databases and
Cloud & DevOps: AWS, Terraform,
Lambda functions, enhancing automation and consistency in cloud
infrastructure deployments.
Tools & Platforms: Git, Docker
Monitored and managed application deployments using Kubernetes
Project Management: Jira, Azure DevOps
Collaborated with cross-functional teams to define requirements, design
solutions, and implement agile development methodologies for timely
project delivery.
SOFT SKILLS Ensured code quality and maintainability by adhering to best practices,
conducting code reviews, and utilizing automated testing frameworks.
Analytical Problem-Solving
Critical Thinking
Sfol Group s.r.o (Czech Republic) | Jul 2018 - Dec 2019
Software Engineer
Effective Communication Led the strategic planning and design of the product's architecture using
Leadership the GRAND Stack (GraphQL, React, Apollo, Neo4j Database), ensuring
a robust, scalable, and efficient infrastructure.
Spearheaded the development of a Proof of Concept, effectively
Continuous Learning
demonstrating the feasibility and potential impact of the product.
Directed a cross-functional team through the agile development of MVP.

LANGUAGES Freelancer | Oct 2017 - Dec 2019
English: upper-intermediate Software Engineer
Ukrainian and Russian: native Led the development of a token contract for several crypto-startup
Czech: advanced projects using Solidity.
Led the creation of a blockchain-based lottery game, from smart
contract logic in Solidity to frontend development (React, Redux).
Dmytro [открыть контакты](см. выше в блоке «контактная информация»)
[открыть контакты](см. выше в блоке «контактная информация»)

Pasenko [открыть контакты](см. выше в блоке «контактная информация»)
Senior Software Engineer
with 18 years of experience

EDUCATION Trinity systems, LLC (Ukraine) | May 2016 - Oct 2017
Product manager
1998 - 2004 Coordinated product development, design, marketing and business
National Aerospace University analytics departments
Information Technology Enhanced working process of content department using automation
Masters Degree (cum laude) Developed marketing strategy and plan (product line, marketing
funnel, email and facebook campaigns for each funnel stage)
Designed and coordinated automated marketing campaigns using
automation tools and scripts
Designed a blockchain-concept and developed the White Paper for
the planned ICO
Managed communication with business partners and outsourced
Assisted in fundraising ( Executive Summary composing,
networking, communication)
Designed and coordinated marketing campaigns
Managed work of customer-support department

Interbit s.r.o (Czech Republic) | 2012 - May 2016
Software Engineer, Product owner
Designed and developed from scratch job portal for sales reps.
(Bootstrap, JQuery, Laravel, MySQL)
Managed all business processes including online and offline
marketing, email-campaigns, basic SEO optimization, communication
with partners and official authorities, server administration, website
maintain, bugfix and new features development.
Coordinated customer support department
Coordinated business expanding to new markets - in Poland and
Managed all processes connected with selling business to a new

IInsight Innovations LLC | 2006 - 2012
Software Engineer
Designed and developed over 10 startup projects from scratch,
including UI, database structures (MySQL), markup, front-end and
back-end code (PHP), and code for administration panels.
Managed daily website design and development.
Optimized website visibility with basic SEO techniques.
Coordinated the creation of web content, graphics, and multimedia.
Engaged in code reviews to ensure quality and consistency.
Assisted in business requirement gathering, site assessments,
competitive analyses, and secondary research.

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