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Резюме от 8 мая 2024 Файл



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telegram: @darlllss https://github.com/darllls

Aspiring and goal-oriented software developer with a strong foundation in Object-Oriented Programming
(OOP), SOLID principles, design patterns, databases, and essential technologies. Eager to leverage academic
achievements and passion for coding to contribute effectively to high-quality software development.


Household Store Management System
Developed as part of university coursework, the Household Store Management System is a comprehensive
solution comprising both a web application and a desktop client for efficiently managing a household store's
operations. Users can interact with the data, perform CRUD operations, and easily navigate through the
Technologies: C#, .NET, ASP.NET, Entity Framework, MS SQL, Web API, HTML, CSS, React.js, WPF, XAML,
Swagger , Postman, Git, JSON

Modern E-Commerce Platform
Developed a comprehensive online store with three core components: a API, a user-friendly client application,
and an efficient admin interface. The client application enables seamless product browsing, dynamic shopping
cart management, and secure transactions via integrated Stripe Payments. Admins benefit from a streamlined
interface for managing categories, products, and orders. The backend, powered by .NET and Entity
Framework, ensures efficient data handling, while Azure deployment guarantees scalability. The project
prioritizes user security with authentication, authorization, and email functionality, delivering a secure and fully
operational e-commerce solution.
Technologies: C#, .NET, ASP.NET, Blazor, Entity Framework, MS SQL, Web API, HTML, CSS, ASP.NET Core
Identity, JWT, JSON, HTTP, HTTPS, SignalR, Swagger , Postman, Git, Azure, Web API

Strong understanding of OOP concepts, SOLID, design patterns and architecture principles
Languages: English - B2, Ukrainian - native
Cloud/Virtualisation: Azure, Google Cloud.
Developer tools: Postman, Swagger, VS, VS Code etc.
Programming languages: C#, JS
Frameworks: .NET Core, ASP.NET Core, Entity Framework Core, WPF, React.js, Blazor
Databases: SQL(MS SQL, PostgreSQL), NoSQL(MongoDB)
OS: Windows, Linux
Other technologies: Git, ASP.NET Core Identity, SignalR, JSON, ADO,NET, HTTP, JWT, XAML, XML,
MVC, MVVM, WinForms, Desktop, Excel.


Lviv Polytechnic National University, Ukraine, 2020, Software Engeneering

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