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Резюме от 12 мая 2024 Файл


Finance analyst

20 лет

Контактная информация

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Загруженный файл

Версия для быстрого просмотра

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Address: str. Pavla Kovzhuna, 4, Lviv, Ukraine
Tel.: [открыть контакты](см. выше в блоке «контактная информация»)
E. mail: [открыть контакты](см. выше в блоке «контактная информация»)
Telegram: maran_zaharchuk

Ukrainian Native French A1
English B2 Polish A1

I am a young and ambitious candidate for your job vacancy. I am driven by the development of my
own foundation in an ambitious and promising position. I always devote myself to work projects
to the maximum, sharing my life with the company and its needs. From me you can expect a
desire for improvement and development, developing my workplace I develop myself and vice
versa. Interested in working as a middle Financial Analyst or Project Manager.


Open Ai tools 1c, Asana Discord Google worke
Microsoft office Notion Zoom Scrum

I know how to control and keep records of any type, skillfully use many programs, if necessary, I know how to co-
analyze additional statistical sources and form reports on their impact on the financial part.
I am able to work with and lead a team in project matters, cooperating with various spheres of activity
(accountants, lawyers, IT sphere etc.)
Studied various disciplines (Economics, management, philosophy, history, mathematics, physiology, physico-
chemical and other sciences) at various forums, student associations, hackathons and at a medical university.

I know how to find sources of financing of different types to increase the gross volume and look for innovations
for optimization. Systematically analyzing all indicators for conducting internal and external reporting.
I analyze the market structure, looking for promising ways to implement the product, organize negotiations and,
if necessary, provide recommendations on creating strategies.
I create or scale economic systems using an individual approach to each functional unit, taking into account their
potential and risks.
Adapting Ek. sys., analyzing the work systems of competitors and larger companies, communicating with
consulting institutions, studying each issue in detail. I create a preliminary and final report.

Financial analyst The owner of an agency for work with web services
import and sale of goods 10.2018 — 07.2020 10.2021 — 12.2023

Financial manager (co-investor) Student of the Medical University
financial arbitration For. and Cree. 07.2020 — 12.2022 09.2021 - until now (planning completion)

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