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Резюме от 21 февраля 2022 PRO


Graphic designer, copywriter, editor (english language), 25 000 грн

Полная занятость, неполная занятость.
57 лет
Город проживания:
Другие страны
Готов работать:
Киев, Львов, Удаленно

Контактная информация

Соискатель указал телефон, эл. почту и адрес.

Фамилия, контакты и фото доступны только для зарегистрированных работодателей. Чтобы получить доступ к личным данным кандидатов, войдите как работодатель или зарегистрируйтесь.

Опыт работы

Architect - Graphic designer - Copywriter - Editor

с 01.2000 по наст. время (24 года 5 месяцев)
Enrico Mathis, Turin - Stockholm (Architecture - Graphic design - Copy-writing - Editing)

After many years of consultancy both in architectural and advertising projects, I widened my fields of interest to satisfy the innate curiosity that urges me to deal with more than one job type. Hence, over the last four/five years, I have focused on selected advertising and web design works, and I started a successful career as a copywriter and editor in the English language. Feel free to contact me for further and more specific info.


Politecnico di Torino

Facoltä di Architettura, Turin
Высшее, с 1993 по 1999 (6 лет 3 месяца)

Salesian High School Valsalice

High school diploma specialising in scientific subjects, Turin
Среднее специальное, с 1982 по 1987 (4 года 10 месяцев)

Дополнительное образование и сертификаты

Folkuniversitet, Stockholm - Svenska B2 intensiv kurs


Cnos fap (Centro Nazionale Opere Salesiane – Formazione Aggiornamento Professionale), Castelnuovo Don Bosco) - Digital images tr


Artillery School of Sabaudia (SACA) - Lieutenant in antiaircraft artillery


Знания и навыки

Adobe Photoshop Adobe Illustrator Adobe InDesign MS Office MS Excel MS PowerPoint ArchiCAD Internet User Adobe Lightroom Windows Graphic editors Cinema 4D Adobe Flash MS Outlook Adobe Design Outlook Express OpenOffice Modeling CAD REAPER Macromedia Express

Знание языков

  • Шведский — средний
  • Украинский — начинающий
  • Английский — продвинутый
  • Французский — продвинутый
  • Итальянский — продвинутый

Дополнительная информация

Good skills in interpersonal communications and relationships with people of different cultural levels, artisans, commercial suppliers, etc.

Good at planning and organizational skills as well as coordinating professional teams, aimed at achieving predetermined objectives. My military service as lieutenant has been helpful in reaching a good level of management skills.

•High level skills in guitar playing:
•from 1977 to 1985: classical guitar studies with Enrico Errani, teacher and composer in Turin.
•From 1985 till now: folk guitar playing using the finger picking technique while exploring a huge range of music (Old time American folk music, early blues, traditional music from Ireland, Brittany, British Isles and Scandinavia; medieval and Elizabethan music)
•Basic skills in playing other musical instruments: recorder, tin whistle, Irish bouzouki, bodhran.
•Good skills in drawing and painting
•Tried and tested skills in mountaineering and trekking, in the Alps (Piedmont, Aosta Valley, Trentino Alto Adige, France), in Scandinavian countries (Sweden, Finland) and in the Carpathians (Ukraine)
•Good skill in rock-climbing (7th degree); completed rock-climbing and ice-climbing courses with Italian Alpine Club (Autumn/Winter 2000-2001).
•Good skills in photography
•Some skills in luthiery. A couple of years ago I made a dulcimer (a traditional musical instrument from Appalacchian mountains)
•Massage teraphist: Access Bars facilitator since February 2013

Favorite sports: rock-climbing, downhill skiing, cross-country skiing, ice skating, bike, yoga (if you consider yoga a sport)

• B driving license

•1990-1991: vice-president of Ronco canavese pro Loco (Turistic promotional Agency)
•From July 1992 till November 1993: Officier as lieutant in the Italian Army, antiaircraft artillery.
•Member of the Italian Alpine Club

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