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Резюме от 18 апреля 2007

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The manager of foreign trade activities

Полная занятость.

Контактная информация

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Дополнительная информация


Prikhodko Marina

Date of a birth – The 30th of July 1983
Home address - 04214, Kiev, Heroes of Dnepr str., 40-A, app. 187
Phone 4146432 (house), [открыть контакты](см. выше в блоке «контактная информация») (mob.)
The Marital status - married

1)In 1999 graduated specialized school with the profound studying French and English languages (the certificate about full secondary education).
2)In 2004 graduated Kiev National Economic University, department of international economic, a speciality management of the international business (the diploma of the master).
3)In September 2004 passed exam of a candidate minimum in postgraduate study of the Kiev National University on department of the international economic.

Work experience:
1)Advertising agency “PRESTIGE” – the assistant to the manager on advertising: registration of contracts, work with clients, an operating time of the client base etc. (June, 2001 – March 2002)
2)The Advertising edition “ExpresInfo” – the manager on sale of the advertising areas: sale of the advertising area in the given edition, work with clients (March 2002 – November 2003)
3)The private businessman (not the resident of Ukraine) – the personal reviewer-translator, registration of contracts. (January 2003 – June 2004)
4)“UkrUzAUTO” LTD – the assistant to the head (July 2004 – November 2004)
5)" The Trading house "Corporation Till" – the manager of foreign trade activities, work with national manufacturers, searches of partners, registration of contracts, conducting the documentation for registration export-import operations (November 2004 – October 2005)
6)"UkrMolProm" LTD – the manager of foreign trade activities, work with national manufacturers, searches of partners, registration of contracts (November - December 2005)
7)January 2006 and till today - "Romstal Ukraine LLC" - the manager of foreign trade activities, work with foreign suppliers, preparation of documents for customs clearing, work with the certified centres (reception of the allowing documentation)

Skills: Marketing, promotion of production in the market, development business of the plan under the concrete project and its primary support, the organization of business meetings, preparation and signing of contracts, analyze goods on stock, planning and placing the orders, planning of the dispatches, negotiations with suppliers about terms of delivery, organization of transportation of the goods, accompaniment of the goods, preparation of document for custom clearance, custom clearance of the goods with total cost not bigger that 100 Euro etc.

Personal qualities: responsibility, diligence, purposefulness, ability to work in a collective, punctuality etc.

Knowledge of languages:
Ukrainian language, Russian - freely
French - colloquial
English – colloquial

Work with PC: Windows, Word, Excel, Access, Outlook Express, Find Reader, The Bat, Internet, PhotoShop, 1 С: Enterprise

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