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Резюме от 13 февраля 2024 PRO


Concept artist (character, backgrounds, props), matte painter

Полная занятость, неполная занятость.
29 лет
Город проживания:
Готов работать:
Киев, Удаленно

Контактная информация

Соискатель указал телефон , эл. почту, Instagram и LinkedIn.

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Опыт работы

Matte Painter

с 11.2022 по 04.2023 (5 месяцев)
Purple DOG Post-production, Дистанційно (Шоу-бізнес, мистецтво, культура)

Project work of creating a matte painting for a thriller movie.
- Collaboration closely with VFX supervisors and FX producer.
- Blending digital elements with footage to achieve cohesive scenes. My
specialization was in crafting urban cityscapes, incorporating diverse
elements, from expansive arrays to intricate details, into the frame.
- Working on the atmosphere in the scenes.
- Rendering backgrounds.

Concept artist, illustrator, environment artist

с 01.2020 по наст. время (4 года 5 месяцев)
Freelance, Дистанційно (Дизайн)

Concept Artist:
- Creating concept art for locations, props, and characters for various
clients, including post-production film studios and game developers.
- Translating client visions into visual artworks while ensuring alignment with project requirements.
Matte Painting Artist:
- Utilizing a combination of digital and live-action elements to elevate the visual allure of scenes.
- Crafting realistic environments and backgrounds and seamlessly integrating them with live footage to achieve cinematic realism.
- Generating engaging digital illustrations for children's books and book covers.
- Collaborating closely with authors to grasp the essence of their stories, translating ideas into visually appealing designs that capture the narrative's essence.

Media Buyer

с 10.2017 по 06.2018 (8 месяцев)
1xBET, Київ (IT)

- searching, negotiating and starting cooperation with advertising networks
- buying traffic
- managing of our desktop and mobile advertising in Adverserv
- writing briefs for preparation of digital advertising creatives
- monitoring performance of campaigns in real time
- interaction with publishers

Media planner

с 06.2016 по 10.2017 (1 год 4 месяца)
Trible Worldwide AGL, Киев (Marketing, advertising, and PR)

- working with TOP international clients (like Carlsberg Group and Toyota)
- participating in development of annual strategies for different brands (Carlsberg, Tuborg, Somersby, Kronenbourg etc)
- developing and managing digital advertising campaigns
- creating media plans
- preparing reports and presentations to the clients


The National Technical University of Ukraine “Kyiv Polytechnic Institute”

Publishing and Printing faculty, Advertising & PR specialization, Киев
Высшее, с 2011 по 2015 (3 года 9 месяцев)

Bachelor of Science

Дополнительное образование и сертификаты

Art school

10 years

School of digital arts Artcraft - digital drawing

2020, 3 months

School of digital arts Artcraft - Landscapes

2020-2021, 4 month

School of digital arts Artcraft - Environment Design for Movie

2022, 3,5 month

Знания и навыки

Adobe Photoshop CorelDRAW Blender Corel Painter Adobe Gaea Adobe Illustrator Створення ілюстрацій Hand drawing Drawing on a graphics tablet Sketching 2D-графіка 3D modeling Creativity Midjourney

Знание языков

  • Русский — свободно
  • Английский — выше среднего
  • Украинский — свободно


  • Tamar Chatterjee

    Tamar Chatterjee

    Supervisor, DNEG

    Контактные данные скрыты
  • Nikolay Razuev

    Nikolay Razuev

    Concept artist, DNEG

    Контактные данные скрыты
  • Julia Millais

    Julia Millais

    FX producer, Purple DOG Post

    Контактные данные скрыты

Дополнительная информация

I am a concept artist and matte painter 4+ years of experience, serving the
film and game industry. With a deep understanding of color theory, value,
composition, technique, anatomy, and other design principles.
Photoshop 5+ years.
Blender 2 years.
I am interested in obtaining a position as a 2D artist in a growing company
with the possibility of career growth, training, and working in a friendly team.

Другие резюме этого кандидата

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