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Резюме от 3 февраля 2020


Junior Java-developer

Полная занятость.
51 год

Контактная информация

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Дополнительное образование и сертификаты

Курсы prog.Kiev.ua

2013 Java Start, OOP, Pro около 2 лет

Знания и навыки

Windows Linux Java, Spring, SQL, WS, Maven, Git

Знание языков

Английский — средний

Дополнительная информация

Name: Andrej Y. Fetisov
Location: 25\55 Enthusiastiv Str., Kiev
Marital status: married
Contact information:
Phone: [открыть контакты](см. выше в блоке «контактная информация»)
email: [открыть контакты](см. выше в блоке «контактная информация»)
Linkedin: [открыть контакты](см. выше в блоке «контактная информация»)#experience-section
Purpose: Java Developer Junior Position
Experience: since 2016
Russian (native), Ukrainian (native), English (pre-intermediate).

Created a web client that checks credit cards to ensure correct input using the free CDYNE service
Programming languages: Java
Technology: SOAP, JSF

Developed an on-line library using Spring Boot.
The user enters a name, genre or author in the search bar and receives the query result in the form of a list of covers of online books. There is the possibility of voting for books. The application displays top books based on voting. There is a division by levels of access, i.e. for admin open options for adding, deleting, editing books, authors, publishers, genres.An application includs the following functional :
• Authentication / authorization of the user to enter the library (login-password)
• Separation by roles (access to protected sections only for admins)
• Ability to edit / delete / add books
• Customizable page output
• Editing the directories that are used in the book
• Switching languages (Russian and English)
• Search for books, search for reference values
• Reading books
• Voting for a book
• Collecting statistics on the number of book views
Programming languages: Java
Technology: Spring Framework, Lombok, Gradle, Hibernate, Bootstrap(Bootsfaces), JSF, XHTML, Ajax, IntelliJ IDEA, MySQL, GlassFish (Payara)

Developed a desktop application for users of the Prom.ua resource, which reads data from the partner site; tests for these data positions in the final file. If there are no matches, a new record is created in the final Excel file. The final file is used by the Prom.ua server as a data source for the user's site.
Programming languages: Java
Technology: Apache POI, jsoup, DOM
Achievements: developed and put into commercial use desktop application

Professional skills:
• Programming languages: Java.
• Platform / technology / library: Java Swing, Apache POI, Java 8, Java2 EE, JPA/Hibernate, Spring, SOAP, RESTful, Maven, Gradle, GlassFish(Payara), AngularJS.
• Development Environment: Eclipse, IntelliJ IDEA, NetBeans;
• Databases: MySQL;
• Operating Systems:
• OS Microsoft Windows: the level of user and for developing;
Courses / Training:
Starting around in 2013 took a courses Java Start, JavaOOP, JavaEE (prog.Kiev.ua).

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