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Резюме от 16 ноября 2018


English translator, 15 000 грн

Полная занятость.
26 лет
Город проживания:
Готов работать:
Киев, Удаленно

Контактная информация

Соискатель указал телефон и эл. почту.

Фамилия, контакты и фото доступны только для зарегистрированных работодателей. Чтобы получить доступ к личным данным кандидатов, войдите как работодатель или зарегистрируйтесь.

Дополнительная информация

Key information:

Computer skills
Advanced user of MS Office, Internet.
Typing speed - 180 characters per minute
Adobe Photoshop basic skills
Professional certification in computer operating (3rd category (year 2013)).
English level: fluent

Professional experience:

Business Manager
January 2017 to October (10 months)
International Inspection Company IIC, Kyiv
Public services - other
•Translating scientific, technical, economic and other special literature, patent description ,correspondence materials with foreign organizations, as well as conferences, meetings, seminars, etc.
• Performing oral and written translations, full and abbreviated translations in a timely manner, while ensuring accurate correspondence of translations to the lexical, stylistic.
•Editing translations.
•Preparing client business conversational scripts.
•Looking remotely for prospective clients for the company and convincing them for business investment.
•Verification and documentation of clients of the company.
•Kept monthly progress reports;
•Organized and supervised photo shoots;
•Participated in business processes organization and implementation.

Designer and Stylist
August 2012 to Present
Freelance, Tehran
Freelance, Warsaw
Freelance, Kyiv
Freelance, Milan

•Personal consultation for image and style;
•Revision and purchase for clothing and accessories;
•Preparing clients for special occasions;
•Personal styling and designing customized clothing;
“Good stylist is always a good psychologist first”

Private English Tutor

• Provided students with methodological materials for the period of practical and home task, course and diploma projects;
• Teaching students from scratch and attaining sufficient language skills in a rapid;
• Developing personalized study regimen;


Bogomolets National Medical University (2015-2020)
Surgical and Therapeutical Department of dentistry

Professor Reza High School
Graduated in 2015

Language skills

English – Fluent
Can be interviewed in this language
Persian – Fluent
Russian – Basic

Courses, trainings, certificates

Psychology (Kyiv)
Kyiv-, Psychology Course for Medical Students
Additional information

A company that has a clear understanding of why they need an Manager would be preferable. Key qualities of the company management would be as following:
•democratic attitude;
•being ready to listen to the views of a Manager;
•flexibility in taking decisions;
•valuing the personnel and their contribution to the company’s business;
•being ready for dialogue;
•putting quality of the work accomplished in the first place instead of amount of time spent in the office;
•knowing aims of the business and its value;

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