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Резюме от 24 июля 2019 PRO

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Android, Java developer, 15 000 грн

Полная занятость.

Контактная информация

Соискатель скрыл свои личные данные, но вы сможете отправить ему сообщение или предложить вакансию, если откроете контакты.

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Опыт работы

Професор кафедри

с 09.1996 по наст. время (27 лет 9 месяцев)
Education and science

1. The best young researcher in Kharkiv region (awarded at 2009).
2. Awarded diploma of Head of The State Emergency Service of Ukraine (2014).
3. Diploma winner in competition “High school of Kharkiv region: the best names” (2018).
4. Certificate of postgraduate course “Three Level Collaboration (3LC)”, 2017, (Ukraine – Sweden).
5. Number of science publications: 210.


Національний технічний університет "Харківський політехнічний інститут"

Інженерно-фізичний, динаміка та міцність машин, Харків
Высшее, с 1991 по 1996 (4 года 9 месяцев)

Диплом з відзнакою

Знание языков

Английский — средний

Дополнительная информация

My objective is to become a professional software developer: Android developer, Java developer.
I want to change my career, because I consider the IT industry to be one of the most promising in the world. It is a great challenge for me to join this industry.
- Practical experience:
3 years as Android developer;
3 years as Java developer;
18 years as Delphi developer;
- Main projects:
1) Objects Risk - database for defining level of technogenic risk on objects (Android software);
2) Territorial Risk - defining territorial risk of emergencies or fires (Android software);
3) Prognosis Project is the Java software, that allows to build prognosis using such methods as: the least squares method; the simple moving average method, the weighted moving average method;
4) Delphi and C++ projects to solve problems of optimal geometric design (optimal packing problems (in the light industry), optimal coverage problem, optimal partition problems (in the agriculture), optimal trace problems);
5) Delphi projects to solve problems of civil defence and fire safety (problem of defining optimal places of fire depoes, problem of defining places of shelters, problem of evacuation from skyscrapers and high-rise buildings, computer tests for bachelors exam etc.);
- 23 years in high education (management and computer sciences). For example, in the discipline “Programming for mobile devices” are considered such topics: layouts, activity lifecycle, view elements, intents, adapters, fragments, menu, SQLite, dialogs, 2D graphics. In the discipline “Applied information technologies in civil defence” the basics of Java and its application in civil defence are considered. In the discipline “Information technologies in the practice of research” the JavaFX libraries and its application to development software for researches in civil defence are considered);
- PhD students training.

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