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Lead Designer (Brand Strategy, Art Direction, Identity Design)

Полная занятость, неполная занятость.
33 года
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Другие страны, Львов, Удаленно

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Опыт работы

Brand Strategist & Identity Designer

с 03.2022 по наст. время (2 года 6 месяцев)
Entrepreneur, Інші країни (Дизайн)

I help companies with useful products and services to hit the market and the customers' hearts with a holistic brand and unique design.

To ensure the final output meets the needs of the company and customers I lead all aspects of the process: briefing and planning, research and ideation, conceptualization and layouts, art direction, and design support.

#Services at Brand Strategy
- Briefing & Communication with stakeholders
- Project planning, Estimation & Budgeting
- Brainstorm & Workshops facilitation
- Trend watching & Benchmark research
- Target audience research (interviews and surveys)
- Creation of Personas and Empathy Maps
- Market segmentation via JTBD
- Brand Diagnostic
- Value proposition & Business model canvas
- Defining Brand Differentiation & Positioning
- Creating Brand Essence, Platform, Promise, Attributes, Evidence
- Describing Brand Archetype & Tone of Voice
- Preparation of Mood Boards & Style Scape

#Services at Identity Design
- Developing Logo and Visual Identity
- Preparation of digital and print layouts
- Print Stationery Design & Merch
- Digital Document Design
- Presentation & Pitch Deck
- SMM Assets & Templates
- Print & Online Ad Banners
- Email Templates & Website
- Design improvements based on feedback
- Structuring all information in the Brand book or Style Guide
- Comprehensive support for internal creators in generating new ideas within the brand platform.
- Evaluation of design ideas and concepts made by designers and copywriters
- Presentation of design recommendations, proposals, and options to stakeholders

Brand Strategist & Art Director

с 03.2021 по 01.2022 (10 месяцев)
Qubstudio, Львів, Львівська (a digital product design and branding agency with focus on digital-first companies)

- Generating a creative work process to meet stakeholders' requirements and deliver on expectations within tight deadlines.
- Management of all aspects of the design process, from research and ideation to creative conceptualization and design.
- Collaboration with stakeholders to research and develop a cohesive brand strategy, design concepts, and final layouts.
- Evaluation of design ideas and concepts made by designers and copywriters.
- Presentation of design recommendations, proposals, and options to stakeholders.
- Work with a diverse group of internal and external stakeholders to ensure the final design output meets the needs of the organization or customers
- Mentoring and providing feedback to direct reports and junior team members.
- Participation in the preparation of proposals, project planning, and estimation, consulting of the sales team.
- Enhancement and implementation of new approaches to processes for effective teamwork
- Development of a skill matrix in cooperation with the HR and project managers
- Preparation of package offers to improve the work of the marketing and sales department
- Conducting lectures and knowledge sharing for all teammates of the company
- Elaboration of interaction processes between branding and product design departments

Brand Strategist & Designer

с 05.2020 по 03.2021 (10 месяцев)
Expander, Israel (Роздрібна торгівля)

a data-driven eCommerce company. Operates 5 brands on US Amazon.
- Refreshing two existing brands of the company (working space equipment, dietary supplements)
- Development of 3 new brands from scratch (cosmetics, electronics, household chemicals)
- Creation of the logo and visual style of the company itself
- Carrying out research of the market, competitors and target audience in cooperation with marketers, analysts and brand managers of existing brands
- Creation of a logo and identity system, based on the knowledge of marketing, psychology of perception, typography, color, composition, and other design principles.
- Ideation and design of new products using a data-driven approach
- Preparation of design layouts, enhanced brand content (EBC), and other marketing materials that will win competitors on Amazon
- Regular testing of visuals and improvement following feedback from target audiences
- Art direction of 3D designers and copywriters, to create a holistic brand
- Formulation of visual style principles in style guides for future collaboration with freelance graphic designers, web designers, and SMM specialists
- Development of the packaging in close cooperation with the R&D department and contractors in China


с 02.2018 по 04.2020 (2 года 2 месяца)
Projector.Lviv, Львів (a branch of Projector Design & Tech Institute that hosted live courses, lectures and conferences in Lviv.)

- Preparing course, conducting lectures and practical classes, monitoring the progress of academic performance, answering questions, and collecting feedback
- The teaching of the basics of graphic design: shape, color, typography, composition, layouts
- Training in identity design: market and audience analysis, idea generation, mood boards & references, logo & design system, style guide & brand book
- Developing skills and practice to work with clients: briefing, presentation, argumentation, objection handling
- Mentoring and art direction of individual and group projects
- Giving Individual feedback for each homework assignment
- Organisation of master classes for related specialists

Brand Designer

с 04.2017 по 04.2020 (3 года)
Happy, Львів (a creative design studio from Lviv, crafted branding, web, motion and UI/UX design)

- Creation of a logo and corporate identity system, based on the knowledge of marketing, psychology of perception, typography, color, composition, and other design principles
- Conducting briefings, estimating, and planning design processes according to clients' requirements
- Carrying out research of the market, competitors, and target audience independently and in cooperation with marketers, analysts, and research agencies
- Formulation of Brand Idea. Coming up with a name, tagline, motto, slogan, and communication strategy. Briefing and cooperation with copywriters
- Facilitation of workshops and brainstorms with team members and stakeholders
- Ideation and preparation of design layouts of merch and marketing materials (posters, presentations, leaflets, catalogs, billboards, city lights, banners, exhibition stands)
- Preparing mood boards, working with references, and leading design sessions with stakeholders
- Presentation and argumentation of design decisions to stakeholders
- Description of the principles of visual style in the format of style guides and brand books.
- Art direction of web, motion, UI, UX, 3D designers, illustrators, videographers, print houses, interior designers, and architects in order to create a holistic brand
- Knowledge sharing and art direction of in-house designers in the client's team
- Mentoring and providing feedback to direct reports and junior team members

Brand Identity Designer

с 12.2016 по 04.2017 (4 месяца)
Freelance, Львів (design & communication)

- Developing logotypes and corporate identity
- Creation of brand books based on existing design
- Preparation of presentations, brochures, leaflets, and business cards
- Cooperation with owners, marketers, and print houses

Communication Manager

с 05.2015 по 12.2016 (1 год 7 месяцев)
iVOX, Київ (a marketing research bureau, a subsidiary of Belgian companies specialised in market research and IT development.)

- Generating new approaches to promote the bureau
- Cooperation with large online portals to increase the base of respondents
- Search for relevant research topics to attract media
- Writing and editing texts based on the result of research
- Administration of social networks and company website
- Design and publication of infographics, print, and digital marketing materials
- Design and HTML development of email campaigns for clients, media, and respondents
- Preparing a brief for website development, communication with designers
- Participation in rebranding with colleagues from Belgium


с 09.2014 по 04.2015 (7 месяцев)
Blago, Харків (a charitable foundation prevented socially dangerous diseases (HIV/AIDS, STIs) and phenomena (crime, drugs, prostitution) and help vulnerable groups and displaced persons.)

- Comprehensive coverage of the fund's activities
- Fundraising and cooperation with donors
- Development and realization of PR campaigns
- Cooperation with the media, donors, and government agencies
- Event management and organization of press conferences, meetings, briefings
- Negotiation with clients and contractors
- Preparation of estimates and budgets
- Preparation of design layouts for posters
- Writing and distribution of PR materials
- Creation of media maps, databases
- Press-clipping and monitoring
- Restyling of logotypes for 4 directions of the foundation
- Design, content, and development of the site via WordPress

Content Manager

с 06.2014 по 10.2014 (4 месяца)
Pandora, Київ (a space for photo & video shoots and events with a professional team, equipment, scenery, and props.)

- Creation of a content plan for social media
- Preparation of briefs for designers and control of layouts
- Writing and publishing texts and posts
- Development of the site structure and preparation of all types of content for it
- Interaction with photographers via messengers on social media
- Generating ideas to increase activity on social networks

PR-manager & Copywriter

с 04.2012 по 09.2014 (2 года 5 месяцев)
Freelance, Харків (ЗМІ, медіа)

- PR and Media consulting
- Writing and distribution of PR materials

PR support of art and cultural projects:
- The premiere of The Beautiful Flowers Theatre performances Rat and F.A.T
- Press support for the music band We ARE!
- Interview with Bjorn Geldhof, curator of Pinchuk Art Center for Art Ukraine
- Media support of art festival Non Stop Media 2012 and Non Stop Media 2014


с 03.2012 по 09.2012 (6 месяцев)
Ostrogliad, Харків (an independent provider of a full range of communication and PR services)

- Development of creative PR campaigns
- Preparation of estimates and budgets
- Creation of media maps, databases
- Cooperation with media and bloggers
- Event management and organization of press conferences, meetings, briefings
- Cooperation with designers and control of printed products production
- Negotiation with contractors
- Writing and distribution of PR materials
- Press-clipping and monitoring the information field of the organization

PR & Event Assistant

с 10.2010 по 12.2011 (1 год 2 месяца)
Two Comrades /  Два Товарища, Харків (a full cycle event agency with a focus on corporate events)

- Analysis of the specialized media market
- Systematisation and creation of databases
- Event management and coordination of performers
- SMM activities


V. N. Karazin Kharkiv National University

Media Communication | Faculty of Sociology, Харків
Высшее, с 2012 по 2014 (1 год 7 месяцев)

Kharkiv State Academy of Culture

PR | Sociocultural Management, Харків
Высшее, с 2008 по 2012 (3 года 9 месяцев)

Дополнительное образование и сертификаты

Strategy | SKVOT


Methodologies of Creative Thinking | Projector Lviv


Typography Workshops | Prostir Liter


Designing Brand Identity | Projector Kyiv


Graphic Design. Basic | Creative design school


Design of Infographics | Coursera


Communications in Advertising and PR | VSHK


Photoshop | DMT School


Media-Intensity | Center of Media and Visual Studies


Project Management | ICON


Art Direction | SKVOT


UI/UX Design | Genius


Знания и навыки

  • Adobe Photoshop
  • Adobe Illustrator
  • Adobe InDesign
  • Adobe
  • Figma
  • Marketing research
  • Brand Strategy
  • Art Direction
  • Brainstorming
  • Workshop Facilitation
  • Copywriting & Editing
  • UX Design
  • UI design
  • Web design
  • Marketing
  • Development of brand books
  • Conducting presentations

Знание языков

  • Английский — выше среднего
  • Русский — свободно
  • Украинский — свободно

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