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Резюме от 4 февраля 2023



42 года
Город проживания:
Готов работать:

Контактная информация

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Опыт работы


с 08.2006 по 08.2020 (14 лет)
Укртрансгаз, Харьков (промышленность)

Osinnyi Yevgen
Date of birth: 1 February, 1982.
Address: Kharkov region, town Krasnograd,
25,Kooperativnay Street
Phone: [открыть контакты](см. выше в блоке «контактная информация»)
E-Mail: [открыть контакты](см. выше в блоке «контактная информация»)

Poltava National Technical University.
2001-2005 – bachelor
2005-2006 - magistrate
2006 - got a diploma of an engineer - mechanic
Work experience
2006 -2007 worked as a mechanic of the operating service.
2007 - till present time I have a job of an engineer of the first category of the operational-production service on the underground gas storage.
My duties involve:
-preparing gas for the transportation;
-in-line and overhaul repairing of a technological equipment:
-managing of the fire and gas hazardous works;
-managing of the earthwork;
-installation and dismantling of pipelines;
-installation and dismantling of a large-sized equipment;
-exploitation, repair and maintenance of a pressure tank, separation, heat exchange of a pumping equipment, shutoff, controlling and preventing valves, pneumohydraulic equipment, well intensification;
-managing the production activities of the service.
I have deal with a reporting documentation.
I take part in the development and using of rationalization proposals.

Special skills
Language: (English – B1), Ukrainian, Russian.
Computer experience in: Microsoft Office Outlook, Excel, Word, Power Point, Microsoft Visio, SAP SE.
I can work with electric tools.
I have skills in construction work.
Qualified and highly-professional; highly-motivated; enthusiastic; good communication skills; eager to experience and learn new skills.
I do not have any bad habits.
Driving license (category B).
Hobbies: fishing, sport.
status- married;
- have a daughter.

Знания и навыки

Пользователь ПК MS Excel MS Word MS Office MS PowerPoint MS Outlook САПР MS Visio Java SE Опыт отделочных работах в строительстве

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