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Резюме от 12 мая 2024 PRO


Lead QA Engineer, 100 000 грн

Полная занятость.
28 лет

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Опыт работы

QA Lead

с 07.2022 по наст. время (1 год 11 месяцев)
Genesis, Kyiv (IT)

- Led Quality Assurance (QA) operations for a complex project based on microservices architecture, ensuring high-quality delivery across web and mobile platforms.
- Coordinated and supervised a diverse team of QA professionals, including both Manual and Automated QA engineers, fostering a collaborative and efficient testing environment.
- Implemented automated testing frameworks using CodeceptJS(Playwright) for comprehensive and efficient testing of web and mobile applications, significantly reducing manual testing workload and improving bug detection rate.
- Designed and executed test strategies that encompassed functional, integration, regression, and performance testing to validate the robustness and reliability of microservices.
- Collaborated closely with development teams to integrate QA processes into the continuous integration and deployment pipeline, ensuring early detection of issues and smoother product releases.
- Conducted thorough testing of both the website and mobile application, ensuring consistency in user experience and functionality across different devices and platforms.
- Utilized a variety of testing tools and technologies to simulate real-world scenarios, ensuring the application’s performance under various conditions and loads.
- Managed test environments and test data, ensuring that testing conditions accurately reflected production environments for reliable testing outcomes.
- Facilitated regular QA team meetings and cross-functional team collaborations to discuss testing findings, share best practices, and align on quality objectives.
- Prepared and maintained comprehensive documentation of test plans, test cases, test scripts, and test reports, providing clear insights into testing activities and outcomes.
- Monitored and reported on key QA metrics, such as bug density and test coverage, to stakeholders, providing actionable insights for continuous improvement.
- Championed quality assurance best practices within the team and organization, staying abreast of the latest testing methodologies and technologies to drive innovation in testing processes.

Lead QA Engineer

с 04.2020 по наст. время (4 года 2 месяца)
Rozetka, Kyiv (Retail)

Team Lead Automation Team
Project planning and forecasting
Organization of work taking into account different skills in a team
Creation of tools, frameworks for product quality control
Creating a CI/CD process for our company
Creating a tool for automatic updating and building the application
Creating a tool for linking jira and gitlab
Creating a notification tool for our company
Creation of frameworks to simplify writing tests for languages ​​such as PHP, NodeJS
Creation of an analytics testing framework
Creation of courses for employee training (Docker, Gitlab Pipeline, Api Testing)
Training employees to write independent tests for API, GUI
Creation of reference Docker Images, for the whole company
Creating, configuring Gitlab Pipeline
Micro-service architecture testing
Creation of reference quality control documentation for the entire company
Maintaining test documentation: Test plan, checklist, bug-report
Manual testing
Analysis of test results
Writing automated tests

Senior QA Engineer

с 01.2019 по 04.2020 (1 год 3 месяца)
Rozetka, Kyiv (Retail)

GUI testing automation (Java, Selenide)
API testing automation (Java, REST Assured)
Microservice Architecture Testing
Quality control
Maintaining test documentation: Test plan, checklist, bug-report
Manual testing
Analysis of test results
Controlling the delivery of tasks to production

QA Engineer

с 03.2018 по 01.2019 (10 месяцев)
Pampik, Kyiv (Internet Retail)

Maintaining test documentation: Test plan, checklist, bug-report
Planning ideas to improve product quality
Manual testing
Analysis of test results
Writing Automated Codeception + Selenium WebDriver Tests

Junior QA engineer

с 03.2016 по 03.2018 (2 года)
ASTERIL, Kyiv (CRM for business)

Manual testing
Development and support of automated tests using Сodeception + Selenium webdriver
Creating and executing SQL queries
Product quality control at all stages of its implementation
Creation and maintenance of test documentation


O.S. Popov Odessa National Academy of Telecommunications

Software Engineering, Odesa
Высшее, с 2018 по 2020 (2 года)

O.S. Popov Odessa National Academy of Telecommunications

Software Engineering, Odesa
Неоконченное высшее, с 2014 по 2018 (4 года)

Дополнительное образование и сертификаты

"Успех" - С++

2015, 4 months

Stepik, Docker

2019, 2 months

Stepik, Linux

2019, 1 months

Знания и навыки

HTML CSS Windows JavaScript MySQL Linux Git Java Операционные системы Operating systems Пользователь Internet Internet User XML PHP Google Chrome Programming JSON Chrome DevTools BASIC Development tools Client-server model XPath FTP Docker SSH Selenide Frameworks Cypress Node.js Codeception Маршрутизация Gitlab Runner Routing

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Quality Assurance Automation Engineer

Quality assurance engineer
Киев, Удаленно

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