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Резюме от 26 февраля 2024 PRO


Full stack NodeJS developer, 60 000 грн

Полная занятость, неполная занятость.
15 лет
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Опыт работы

Full Stack/Backend Developer

с 06.2023 по наст. время (1 год)
Code&Care, Удаленно (IT)

Since June 2023, I have been working as a Frontend/Full Stack developer, specializing in React, NextJS, and TypeScript. My experience includes developing and maintaining web applications using cutting-edge technologies. I actively collaborate with designers to create a user-friendly and visually appealing interface, adhering to best design and user experience practices. Additionally, I work closely with backend developers to integrate frontend and backend parts of the application, ensuring full functionality and efficient system operation. I am actively involved in improving code architecture, performing refactoring and optimization to enhance its readability, scalability, and maintainability.

Full Stack/Mobile Developer

с 02.2023 по 06.2023 (4 месяца)
Individual employee, Удаленно (Красота, фитнес, спорт)

From January 2023 to June 2023, I worked as a Full Stack/Mobile developer. In this role, I was involved in developing both the Frontend and Backend parts of the application. On the Frontend, we utilized React Native, Expo, and TypeScript to create a mobile application with high performance and user convenience. On the Backend, we employed NestJS, MongoDB, and TypeScript to build a reliable and scalable server-side layer of the application. My responsibilities included full-stack development of the application, starting from design and ending with ensuring the architecture and security of the project. I actively participated in creating an optimal application architecture, ensuring its scalability and flexibility for future growth. Additionally, I paid special attention to security issues, implementing necessary measures to protect data and prevent vulnerabilities.

Full Stack developer

с 08.2022 по 05.2023 (9 месяцев)
Individual employee, Удаленно (IT)

From August 2022 to June 2023, I worked as a Full Stack/Frontend developer. In this role, I was involved in both Frontend and Backend development. On the Frontend, we used Vue and Vuex to create an efficient and user-friendly interface. On the Backend, we relied on NodeJS, ExpressJS, and MongoDB to build a powerful and reliable server-side layer of the application. My tasks included developing new features and components, as well as self-learning. While I dedicated most of my time to Frontend work, I also spent about 40% of my time on Backend tasks. This included developing APIs, handling data, and ensuring the security of the application. My experience in both areas allowed me to better understand the overall project architecture and effectively solve tasks both on the Frontend and Backend.


Optima School

Среднее, с 2013 по 2024 (11 лет)

I am studying at Optima School, a distance learning institution, and I am thrilled with the experience it provides. Optima School is an innovative educational establishment that offers high-quality education through an online platform. I appreciate the flexibility that distance learning provides, allowing me to study at a convenient time and from anywhere. The teachers at Optima School are professionals in their field and provide interactive lessons and individual attention to each student. Thanks to Optima School, I receive a quality education, overcoming geographical limitations and expanding my knowledge in a comfortable environment.

Дополнительное образование и сертификаты

TypeScript from scratch - from basics to advanced


Modern React from scratch


NodeJS. Complete guidance


NestJS - from scratch, modern backend on TypeScript and Node JS


Vue.js 3 course. Practical guide from scratch to result


React Native JavaScript mobile applications


Знания и навыки

HTML/CSS JavaScript ReactJS VueJS React Native NextJS Redux NodeJS ExpressJS TypeScript Git VSCode Docker Ansible Next.js Serverless PostgreSQL

Знание языков

  • Английский — средний
  • Русский — свободно
  • Украинский — свободно

Дополнительная информация

I am a Full Stack developer with 1.5 years of work experience. My skill set covers a wide range of technologies, including HTML, CSS, JavaScript, React, React Native, Vue, Vuex, NodeJS, ExpressJS, NestJS, PostgreSQL, MongoDB, TypeScript, Git, and VSCode. During my tenure, I have been involved in the development of both web and mobile applications, allowing me to gain a deep understanding of both Frontend and Backend development. My work has included UI development, building server-side applications, working with databases, and version control using Git. I am currently seeking a new job as I aspire to continue growing in the professional field. I am inspired by new challenges and opportunities to enhance my skills. I strive to apply my experience and knowledge to create high-quality and innovative products that deliver real value to users.



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