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Резюме от 30 апреля 2023 Файл


Менеджер по продажам, оператор call center

38 лет
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Simsek Kateryna

Date of birth: Region:
On March, 03 of 1986r. (36 years) Lutsk

Key information:
1. Large experience in the field of entertainments and tourism .
2. Communicability, responsibility, ability to work in a command, understanding , executiveness, energeticness and purposefulness, absence of harmful habits .

From 3-2014Till 9-2014
Working as Guest Relation in Rubi Platinum , Alanya.
From 4-2013Till 10-2013
Working as Guest Relation in Jacaranda Hotel , Belek.
From 9-2012 Till 3-2013
Working as Guest Relation in Titanic Palace Hotel , Hurghada.
From 3-2012 Till 8-2012
Working as receptionist in Octopus diving center and aqua centre Golden5 hotel in Hurghada Egypt.
From 9-2010 Till 5-2011
Working as hostess in Belek “Jacaranda” hotel Turkey.
From 1-2010 Till 7-2010
Working as shop assistant in Lviv “LOKAL” company Ukraine.
From 6-2009 Till 1-2010
Working as shop assistant in the store of cosmetics “Beauty and Care” Lutsk Ukraine.
From 3-2009 Till 6-2009
Passing of practice on the First National channel of Ukraine TV .
From 5-2008 Till 3-2009
Preparation and leadthrough (development of conceptions, writing script) of different festive measures, corporate evening-parties, show - programs, PR – actions
From 1-2007 Till 5-2008
Promoter is a leadthrough of publicity actions.
From 6-2006 Till 1-2007
Passing of practice in the Child's house of district creation (Lutsk), Child's puppet-play (Lutsk).


Kyiv National University of Culture and Arts.
Speciality: Direction of the mass holidays and customs.

Volyn state school of culture and arts.
Speciality: producer of mass holidays and ceremonies.

Ukrainian, Russian – Native
English ,Turkish free talkative.
Polish, Czech –understanding.
Computer skills

Microsoft Windows XP
Microsoft office package(Word, Internet)
Fidelio, Asia soft, Electra.

Contact information:
Telephone: [открыть контакты](см. выше в блоке «контактная информация»)
Mail : [открыть контакты](см. выше в блоке «контактная информация»)

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