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Резюме от 27 мая 2024 Файл


Front-end developer

21 год
Город проживания:
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Serhii Valko
Front End Developer with 4 years of experience
telephone: [открыть контакты](см. выше в блоке «контактная информация») | e-mail: [открыть контакты](см. выше в блоке «контактная информация») | telegram:@valko_s

Passionate and driven Front-End Developer with 4 years of experience in web and
mobile development. Skilled in transforming business requirements into technical
solutions that enhance user experiences. Dedicated to continuous learning and
keeping pace with the latest industry trends and technologies. Eager to bring my
expertise and enthusiasm to a dynamic team to tackle new challenges and drive

● JavaScript, TypeScript
● React, React Native
● Redux, Redux Saga, Mobx
● MUI, Formik, React Hook Form
● NodeJS, ExpressJS, NextJs
● GraphQL, REST API, Apollo client, Axios
● MySQL, MongoDB, WebSockets
● CI/CD , Docker
● Jest (unit testing)
● Git, AvoCode, Figma
● English B1

Work Experience
GoodDay Work, Kyiv– React developer
September 2023 – Present:

● Collaborated with Team: Engaged with cross-functional teams to design and
implement user-friendly interfaces and improve overall functionality.
● Optimized Performance: Used performance optimization techniques to
enhance the application's responsiveness and user experience.
● Maintained Code Quality: Conducted code reviews and implemented best
practices to maintain high standards of code quality and performance.
● Implemented New Features: Introduced and integrated new features based on
user feedback and evolving requirements.
● Continuous Learning: Stayed updated with the latest industry trends and
technologies to bring innovative solutions to the project.
● Ensured Compliance: Adhered to industry regulations and standards to ensure
the application met all necessary compliance requirements.

TenThousand, Kyiv– React \ React Native developer
February 2022 – September 2023:
● Developed a medically compliant heart rate tracking application that ensured
accuracy and conformed to medical standards.
● Participated in the development of a secure, user-friendly banking application,
focusing on various aspects of the application while collaborating with the
team to enhance its overall functionality.
● Identified, diagnosed, and resolved complex bugs promptly, maintaining timely
project delivery.
● Devised and utilized custom hooks to streamline processes, optimize
performance, and elevate the user experience.
● Refactored legacy code to enhance application speed and efficiency.
● Spearheaded the migration to the latest React Native version, capitalizing on
its features to bolster overall performance and user experience.

Jauntsoft, Kyiv– React \ React Native developer
January 2020 – February 2022:
● Developed a series of React applications, collaborating closely with the team
to ensure an outstanding user experience.
● Led the innovation of a cutting-edge chat application, seamlessly integrating a
third-party messaging platform and facilitating instant notifications for an
enhanced user experience.
● Engineered an interactive, custom data visualization solution that empowered
clients to make informed, data-driven decisions.
● Contributed to the development of a web-based platform for estimating
software development costs and identifying skilled personnel.
● Actively participated in code reviews, offering valuable feedback on
architecture and design solutions while resolving technical issues.
● Strengthened React development skills and honed expertise in stakeholder
● Acquired experience in project management, including setting project
objectives, establishing timelines, and monitoring progress to guarantee
punctual project delivery.

Kyiv Polytechnic Institute, Kyiv
Bachelor of Automation and Computer Integrated Technologies

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