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Резюме от 28 мая 2024 PRO


SEO-спеціаліст, 80 000 грн

Полная занятость, неполная занятость.
32 года
Город проживания:
Готов работать:

Контактная информация

Соискатель указал телефон и эл. почту.

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Опыт работы


с 05.2020 по наст. время (4 года 1 месяц)
ІТ company, Дистанційно (IT)

Main responsibilities:
Analyzing your own site and competitors' sites
Work with services (Screaming Frog, NetpeakSpider, Ahrefs, Serpstat,
Analytics, Majestic)

Collection and clustering of semantic kernel
Expanding the semantics of the site as well as writing a plan for further expansion of the site
Writing TOR to copywriters, text checking
Filling the site, if necessary
Content generation with the help of neural networks (GPT3, Jarvis,
Writesonic and others).

Working with Frontend and Backend developers (writing TOR for creating new functionality on the site)
Identification of errors affecting the performance of the site and writing ToRs to the developer to solve them.

Internal optimization of the site:
-checking Robots, htaccess, sitemap files
-linking on pages
-removal of broken pages
-actualization and writing tittle / descriprion, etc. (by checklist)

External optimization of the site
Working with exchanges such as: Collaborator, miralinks, Sape, pr.Sape,
gogetlinks, Publishare, CitySites
Searching for unique sites to post articles (not from exchanges)
Buying batch runs, working with kraud
Experience with WorkZilla, kabanchik, KWork
Checking and indexing links with Linkbox

Great experience in selection of drops:
Experience in creating a grid of PBN (more than 300 drops) under ru and bourge.
I know how to select, buy and restore them
working with services for search and buyout of dropships:
Expired domains, Spamzilla, SEO.domains, forums, GoDaddy, reg.ru and others.
Participation in auctions:
GoDaddy, Namecheap, CatchClub, Namesilo, Dynadot, Namejet,
DropCatch, Sedo
placement of drops on hosting
SSL certificate installation (Cloud Flare or from hosting)
selection and restoration of versions from Webarchive
site recovery on CMS Archivarix
Tracking the status of the site using updown service
Setting up redirects from old mirrors or glue drop to current mirror (or redirect pages)
Sitemap creation
If necessary, writing TOR for restoring the site on another CMS
Adding the site to Yandex Webmaster and Google Search Console, glue sites in them
Connecting counters to the site (Yandex Metrics, Google Analytics, and external metrics such as Piwik, liveinternet, etc.).

Quickly drive new and updated pages into Google and Yandex index using API and scripts.

Have experience in promoting an online store of heating systems for the
German market.
For 3 months traffic increased 2.4 times
The number of conversions increased 3 times

Experience (1 Year) SEO Project Manager
The team consisted of:
2 developers
a team of copywriters with a supervisor checking content
content manager
assistant SEO specialist (Junior)

for half a year brought dead projects to the top 5 of Google and Yandex (HF, MF and LF queries).

Experience working with Asana, Worksection

A little experience in creating Google ads, as well as in Push House,
ADSCompass services.


Zaporizhzhya Classical Private University

Master's Degree, Faculty of Management and Administration, Administrative Activity Manager, Zaporizhzhya
Высшее, с 2020 по 2022 (2 года)

Sevastopol National University of Nuclear Energy and Industry

Department of Nuclear Power Engineering, Nuclear power plants, Sevastopol
Высшее, с 2009 по 2014 (5 лет)

Знания и навыки

Ahrefs Google Analytics Збір семантичного ядра HTML Google Search Console Screaming Frog SEO Spider Serpstat Netpeak Spider Уміння аналізувати CSS Majestic Лінкбілдинг SEMrush WordPress Google Ads

Знание языков

Английский — средний

Дополнительная информация

screaming frog
netpeak spider
Archivarix CMS
Google ADS
Google Search Console
Yandex Webmaster
Yandex wordstat

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